toml 0.1.22

A native Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams. Provides implementations of the standard Encodable/Decodable traits for TOML data to facilitate deserializing and serializing Rust structures.
# Top comment.
  # Top comment.
# Top comment.

# [no-extraneous-groups-please]

[group] # Comment
answer = 42 # Comment
# no-extraneous-keys-please = 999
# Inbetween comment.
more = [ # Comment
  # What about multiple # comments?
  # Can you handle it?
          # Evil.
# Evil.
  42, 42, # Comments within arrays are fun.
  # What about multiple # comments?
  # Can you handle it?
          # Evil.
# Evil.
# ] Did I fool you?
] # Hopefully not.