toml-parse 0.2.11

Set of modules for parsing, sorting and formating toml.
# P.O.T.
## Parser of Toml powered by [Muncher]

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## About
The most important thing about this toml parser is that it maintains the structure of the original parsed file (whitespace, comments, ect.). For toml formatting tools like [cargo sort check]( this feature is essential, this is the only reason something like [toml-rs]( cannot be used unfortunatly :(. 

## Use
toml-parse = "0.2.7"

## Examples

### Parsing
use toml_parse::{parse_it, SyntaxNodeExtTrait};

let file = 
alpha = "beta"
number = 1234
array = [ true, false, true ]
inline-table = { date = 1988-02-03T10:32:10, }

let parsed = parse_it(file).expect("parse failed");
let root = parsed.syntax();
assert_eq!(root.token_text(), file)
The parse tree is a [`rowan`]( `SyntaxNode` that can be manipulated and traversed freely.
The `SyntaxNodeExtTrait` allows easy to string representation of the tokens (the source file text).
### Sorting
use toml_parse::{parse_it, SyntaxNodeExtTrait};

let file = r#"# comment
number = 1234
# comment
alpha = "beta"
let parsed = parse_it(file).expect("parse failed").syntax();
let parsed2 = parse_it(file).expect("parse failed").syntax();


let sorted = sort_toml_items(&parsed, &HEADER);

The sorted tree is a [`rowan`]( `SyntaxNode` that can be manipulated and traversed freely.

### Formatting
use toml_parse::{parse_it, Formatter};

let parsed = parse_it(&input).expect("").syntax();
let fmted = Formatter::new(&parsed).format();
assert_ne!(fmted.to_string(), input);

### Structured (Coming soonish)

#### License

Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license,
shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.