toml-bombadil 1.2.0

A dotfile manager.

Toml Bombadil

CI codecov aur

Toml Bombadil is a dotfile manager written in rust.

Why another dotfile manager ?

I wrote Toml Bombadil because I kept changing my desktop environment : switching from i3 to sway, from sway to xfce, from xfce to gnome and back to sway. When you keep changing your working environment like this you end up with several problems :

  • Some symlinks will end up orphans.
  • Not every program you use support Xresources and you will most probably have to manually edit some themes/config.
  • When starting a fresh installation you will very likely need to adapt your existing dotfiles to your new machine.
  • It is a mess

Toml Bombadil try to solve this with a simple addition to the symlink method used by other tools : instead of creating a symlink from a dotfile to the actual config path of a program, it will create a copy of it and symlink the copy. This additional step allow to use your original dotfile as a template and inject variables in the copy. You can have multiple value files in the same dotfile repository and change color scheme, or any value on the fly.

In addition this is completely optional, you could start using Toml Bombadil only to generate symlinks and templatize your dot file progressively.

Table of contents


Using cargo

cargo install toml-bombadil


yay -S bombadil-bin

Getting started

1. Setup :

By default Bombadil will look for a toml config file named bombadil.toml.

git clone
cd my_dotfiles && touch bombadil.toml

If you are using git you might want to add .dots to your .gitignore.

2. Configuration :

# {dotfiles}/bombadil.toml

# Path to your dotfiles relative to your $HOME directory
dotfiles_dir = "my_dotfiles"

# A dot entry representing a symlink, `source` is relative to `dotfiles_dir` 
# and target shall be relative to $HOME directory or absolute.
source = "sway"
target = ".config/sway"

# You can have as many dot entry as you want, linking files or directories
source = "alacritty"
target = ".config/alacritty/alacritty.yml"

# Var hold the path to a toml file containing the variables to inject in your templatize dotfiles
# You can have multiple var files as long as variable names does not colide. 
[[var]] # Optional
path = "vars.toml"

# Meta vars holds the definitive values for aliased variables. It allows to reuse and group variables.
[[meta]] # Optional
path = "meta-vars.toml"

# Post install commands
[[hook]] # Optional
command = "sway reload"

3. Linking bombadil :

For Bombadil to be able to run from any directory and use different config files we need to symlink bombadil config to $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/bombadil.toml :

bombadil install -c my_dotfiles/bombadil.toml

If you want to switch to another config simply run :

bombadil install -c my_dotfiles/bombadil-i3.toml

4. Install template and symlink :

bombadil link

This command will do the following :

  • Remove {dotfiles_dir}/.dots and any symlink pointing to a sub directory/file.
  • Inject variables (if you defined some) in a copy of dot entries listed in Bombadil config.
  • Write the copies to {dotfiles_dir}/.dots.
  • Symlink dot entries.
  • Run post install hooks.

Dotfile Templates


Now that your dot files are symlinked with Bombadil you can define some variables A Bombadil var files is a valid toml file containing only key with string values :

For example you have the following file in {dotfiles_dir}/vars.toml.

terminal = "alacritty"
background = "#292C3E"
foreground = "#EBEBEB"
text = "#FF261E"
cursor = "#FF261E"
black = "#0d0d0d"
red = "#FF301B"
green = "#A0E521"
yellow = "#FFC620"
blue = "#1BA6FA"

You can use the var file by adding the following to your Bombadil config :

path = "vars.toml"

Let's say you have the following dot entry :

source = "alacritty"
target = ".config/alacritty/alacritty.yml"

alacritty.yaml color scheme could look like this :

# {dotfiles}/alacritty.yml
       background: "__[background]__"
       foreground: "__[foreground]__"
       text: "__[text]__"
       cursor: "__[cursor]__"

And the output file actually linked to alacritty config would be this :

# {dotfiles}/.dots/alacritty.yml
    background: "#292C3E"
    foreground: "#EBEBEB"
    text: "#FF261E"
    cursor: "#FF261E"

To update variables and the current config simply run bombadil link.

Meta variables

Sometimes it could be handy to use different variables names for the same values. For instance if you want to define a system wide color scheme, you could define the following meta variables :

# bombadil.toml
path = "meta_vars.toml"

path = "alacritty_vars.toml" 

path = "sway_vars.toml" 

# ... 

A meta variable configuration looks exactly like a variables configuration file. The only difference is that meta vars are intended to be used in other var files :

# meta_vars.toml
meta_red = "#ff0000"
meta_black = "#000000"
meta_green = "#008000"
# sway_vars.toml
sway_client_focused_background = "meta_black"
sway_client_focused_border = "#ffff00"
# ...
# alacritty_vars.toml
alacritty_background = "meta_black"
alacritty_cursor = "meta_green"
# ...

Switching profile

As we saw Bombadil allows to define global variables for all your dotfiles. For some programs you might want to set alternate configurations for a single config file and change it without reloading the whole bombadil config. Bombadil allow you two do this in two different way : by changing the source file linked against user configuration or by overriding variables only for this specific file.

Switching source

Let's say you are using maven for several java projects, some of them are open source and some of them uses a corporate repository :

let's assume your dotfiles are the following :

❯ tree
├── bombadil.toml
└── maven
    ├── settings.corporate.xml
    └── settings.xml

Your bombadil config contains a single dot entry with an alternate profile :

# bombadil.toml
dotile_dir = "bombadil-example"

 name = "maven" # dot entry with profiles require to be named in order to generate bombadil command
 source = "settings.xml" 
 target = ".m2/settings.xml"
    [[dot.profile]] # A profile entry for the maven dotfile (you can define as many as you want) 
     name = "corporate" # name of the profile, required to generate bombadil command
     switch.source = "settings.corporate.xml" # we are going to use alternate dot source to "settings.corporate.xml"
     hook = "echo changed mvn env" # post install hook

If you now run bombadil --help you should notice a new subcommand named after your dot entry name as been generated :

    bombadil <SUBCOMMAND>


    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install    Link a given bombadil config to XDG_CONFIG_DIR/bombadil.toml
    link       Symlink a copy of your dotfiles  and inject variables according to bombadil.toml config
    maven      User defined profile command

Let's now run bombadil maven --help :

User defined profile command

    bombadil maven --set-profile <PROFILE>

    -s, --set-profile <PROFILE>    Switch to a valid profile defined in your bombadil config [possible values:
                                   corporate, default]
    -h, --help                     Prints help information

As you can see the possible values for the --set-profile flag contains the profile we defined and a default profile which correspond to the default source.

We can now switch profile like so :

bombadil maven --set-env corporate

Or using the short flag version:

bombadil maven -s corporate

This will update the file linked to $HOME/.m2/settings.xml to use settings.corporate.xml. If you defined template variables in that file they will be replaced as if you ran the link command.

To revert to the default profile you can run bomadil maven -s default. Using bomadil link will also reset all defined profiles to their default values.

Switching variables

Switching variables is done the same way as switching source :

Here is an example bombadil config :

❯ tree
├── bashrc
├── bombadil.toml
├── java10-vars.toml
└── vars.toml
# ~/bombadil-example/bashrc
export JAVA_HOME=__[java_home]__
# ...
# vars.toml
java_home = "/etc/java-openjdk"
# java10-vars.toml
java_home = "/etc/java10-openjdk"

Switching profile by var would be done like this :

# bombadil.toml
dotfiles_dir = "bombadil-example"

name = "bash"
source = "bashrc"
target = ".bashrc"
    name = "java10"
    switch.vars = "java10-vars.toml" # This is the only difference with the switch source method  

We could now override the variable with our java10 profile by running the following :

bombadil bash -s java10

And switch back to default :

bombadil bash -s default


So far we have no talked about hooks, as we saw they can be invoked as an entry in the config :

command = "sway reload"

This will invoke the sway reload command after bombadil link has updated your dotfiles.

You can also define post install hook for custom profile :

dotfiles_dir = "bombadil-example"

name = "alacritty"
source = "allacritty"
target = ".config/alacritty"
    name = "nord"
    switch.vars = "nord-colors.toml" 
    hook = "neofetch"

This will run neofetch after updating your alacritty color scheme with the nord color palette.


  • Hook are run in a sub-shell therefore, command meant to change your current shell environment won't work :
command = "source /home/user/.zshrc" # This does not work ! 
  • Environment variable won't be expanded unless you explicitly call a sub-shell :
command = "echo $HOME" # This will print "$HOME" unexpanded
command = "zsh -c \"echo $HOME\"" # This works

Example repositories

If you use Bombadil please submit an issue or a PR to update this section, we will be happy to reference your dotfiles here !


Found a bug, have a suggestion for a new feature ? Please submit an issue.


All the code in this repository is released under the MIT License, for more information take a look at the LICENSE file.