tomboy-toml-dom 0.1.1

For those who are struggling with Rust's cool syntax, our goal is to provide a TOML parser that's as easy as pointing to a menu and eating fast food.
# Tomboy toml dom

For those who are struggling with Rust's cool syntax, our goal is to provide a TOML parser that's as easy as pointing to a menu and eating fast food.  

It's a tryal and error process. Specifications will change.  
試行錯誤中です。 仕様はコロコロ変わるでしょう。  

Tomboy is a pun.  


* [Developer's blog(開発者ブログ)]
* [TOML parsing(TOMLの構文解析)]

## Run (実行)

Take a look at the repository.  

cargo run --example comment
cargo run --example cover
cargo run --example example
cargo run --example inline_table
cargo run --example key_value_int
cargo run --example key_value_wip
cargo run --example key_value
cargo run --example main
cargo run --example mix_array
cargo run --example table

## Specification (仕様)

The specifications will gradually solidify.  

You can think that you can't do anything that isn't written here.  

//! An exemplary program.
//! 模範的なプログラム。
//! `cargo run --example example`

extern crate tomboy_toml_dom;

use tomboy_toml_dom::Toml;

fn main() {
    // Read a toml.
    // Toml読取。
    let toml_file = "./resource/example.toml";
    let doc = Toml::from_file(toml_file);

    // Read a number.
    // 数値読取。
    if let Some(age) = doc.get_int128_by_key("age") {
        println!("age = {}", age);
        // age = 40

    // Read a string.
    // 文字列読取。
    if let Some(apple) = doc.get_str_by_key("apple") {
        println!("apple = {}", apple);
        // apple = pie