tomato-toml 0.2.0

🍅 A command-line tool to get and set values in toml files while preserving comments and formatting.
name = "tomato"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = ["C J Silverio <>"]
description = "🍅 A command-line tool to get and set values in toml files while preserving comments and formatting."
readme = ""
license = "BlueOak-1.0.0"
categories = ["command-line-utilities", "toml"]

anyhow = "1.0.58"
clap = { version = "3.2.16", features = ["derive"] }
regex = "1.6.0"

# This does all the work.
toml_edit = { version = "0.14.4", features = ["serde"] }

fruits = [ "tomato", "plum", "pluot", "kumquat", "persimmon" ]
numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 23]
when = 2022-08-01T22:04:00-08:00
are_passing = true
are_complete = false
phrases = [ "interim censeo yaml delenda est", "she is a menace to Rome", "also significant whitespace makes me sad" ]
inline_table = { catname = "Kitsune", fruit = "kumquat", "safe_pet" = true, class = "Archaeologist" }

# food not algorithms
color = "brown"
# I want some now!
favorite = "Hobees DeAnza"
mats = [ "potatoes", "salt", "oil", "frying" ]
# Do I have any dev deps?

entry = "one"

entry = "two"