tokkit 0.5.1

A simple(simplistic) OAUTH toolkit.
# tokkit

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`tokkit` is a simple(even simplistic) **tok**en tool**kit** for OAUTH2 authorization
targetting service to service authorization.

## Adding tokkit to your project

tokkit is available on [](

## Documentation

The documentation is available [online](

## Features

### Verify Access Tokens

`tokkit` contains a module `token_info` for protected resources to verify access tokens.

use tokkit::*;

use tokkit::token_info::*;

let builder = RemoteTokenInfoServiceBuilder::google_v3();

let service =;

let token = AccessToken::new("<token>");

let tokeninfo = service.introspect(&token).unwrap();

### Managing Tokens

`tokkit` can manage and automatically update your access tokens if you
are a client and want to access a resource owners resources.

Currently `tokkit` only supports the
[Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant](
which should only be used if the resource owner can really trust the client.

use tokkit::*;
use tokkit::token_manager::*;
use tokkit::token_manager::token_provider::*;
use tokkit::token_manager::token_provider::credentials::*;

let credentials_provider = SplitFileCredentialsProvider::with_default_parsers_from_env()

let token_provider =

let token_group =

let token_source = AccessTokenManager::start(vec![token_group]).unwrap();

let access_token = token_source.get_access_token(&"my_token_identifier").unwrap();

## License

tokkit is primarily distributed under the terms of
both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).
Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Douven