tokio 0.2.22

An event-driven, non-blocking I/O platform for writing asynchronous I/O backed applications.
use tokio::stream::{Stream, StreamExt};

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

// a stream which alternates between Some and None
struct Alternate {
    state: i32,

impl Stream for Alternate {
    type Item = i32;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<i32>> {
        let val = self.state;
        self.state += 1;

        // if it's even, Some(i32), else None
        if val % 2 == 0 {
        } else {

async fn basic_usage() {
    let mut stream = Alternate { state: 0 };

    // the stream goes back and forth
    assert_eq!(, Some(0));
    assert_eq!(, None);
    assert_eq!(, Some(2));
    assert_eq!(, None);

    // however, once it is fused
    let mut stream = stream.fuse();

    assert_eq!(stream.size_hint(), (0, None));
    assert_eq!(, Some(4));

    assert_eq!(stream.size_hint(), (0, None));
    assert_eq!(, None);

    // it will always return `None` after the first time.
    assert_eq!(stream.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
    assert_eq!(, None);
    assert_eq!(stream.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));