tokio-websockets 0.8.2

High performance, strict, tokio-util based WebSockets implementation
# tokio-websockets

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High performance, strict, tokio-util based WebSockets implementation.

## Why use tokio-websockets?

- Built with tokio-util, intended to be used with tokio from the ground up
- Minimal dependencies: The base only requires:
  - `tokio`, `tokio-util`, `bytes`, `futures-core`, `futures-sink`
  - SHA1 backend, e.g. `sha1_smol` (see [Feature flags]#feature-flags)
- Big selection of features to tailor dependencies to any project (see [Feature flags]#feature-flags)
- SIMD support: AVX2, SSE2 or NEON for frame (un)masking and accelerated UTF-8 validation
- Strict conformance with the WebSocket specification, passes the [Autobahn test suite] without relaxations [by default]
- TLS support
- Reusable TLS connectors
- Uses widely known crates from the ecosystem for types, for example `Uri` from `http` in the client
- Cheaply clonable messages due to `Bytes` as payload storage
- Tuned for performance (see [the benchmarks]./benches/

## Feature flags

Feature flags in tokio-websockets are added to allow tailoring it to your needs.

- `simd` will enable AVX2, SSE2 or NEON accelerated masking and UTF-8 validation. Additionally enabling the `nightly` feature when using a nightly compiler will also enable AVX512 accelerated masking
- `client` enables a tiny client implementation
- `server` enables a tiny server implementation

TLS is supported via any of the following feature flags:

- `native-tls` for a [`tokio-native-tls`] backed implementation
- `rustls-webpki-roots` for a [`tokio-rustls`] backed implementation with [`webpki-roots`]
- `rustls-native-roots` for a [`tokio-rustls`] backed implementation with [`rustls-native-certs`]
- `rustls-platform-verifier` for a [`tokio-rustls`] backed implementation with [`rustls-platform-verifier`]

The `rustls-*-roots` and `rustls-platform-verifier` features require a crypto provider for `rustls`. You can either enable the `aws_lc_rs` (optionally also FIPS-compliant via the `fips` feature) or `ring` features to use these crates as the providers and then use `TlsConnector::new()`, or bring your own with `TlsConnector::new_rustls_with_crypto_provider()`.

One SHA1 implementation is required, usually provided by the TLS implementation:

- [`ring`] or [`aws_lc_rs`] are used if the `ring` or `aws_lc_rs` features are enabled (recommended when `rustls` is used)
- The `openssl` feature will use [`openssl`], usually preferred on most Linux/BSD systems with `native-tls`
- The [`sha1_smol`] feature can be used as a fallback if no TLS is needed

The `client` feature requires enabling one random number generator:

- [`fastrand`] can be used as a `PRNG`
- [`getrandom`] can be used as a cryptographically secure RNG
- [`rand`] can be used as an alternative to `fastrand` and should be preferred if it is already in the dependency tree

## Example

This is a simple WebSocket echo server without any proper error handling.

More examples can be found in the [examples folder](

use futures_util::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
use http::Uri;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio_websockets::{ClientBuilder, Error, Message, ServerBuilder};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
  let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?;

  tokio::spawn(async move {
    while let Ok((stream, _)) = listener.accept().await {
      let mut ws_stream = ServerBuilder::new()

      tokio::spawn(async move {
        // Just an echo server, really
        while let Some(Ok(msg)) = {
          if msg.is_text() || msg.is_binary() {

        Ok::<_, Error>(())

    Ok::<_, Error>(())

  let uri = Uri::from_static("ws://");
  let (mut client, _) = ClientBuilder::from_uri(uri).connect().await?;

  client.send(Message::text("Hello world!")).await?;

  while let Some(Ok(msg)) = {
    if let Some(text) = msg.as_text() {
      assert_eq!(text, "Hello world!");
      // We got one message, just stop now



The current MSRV for all feature combinations is Rust 1.64.

## Caveats / Limitations / ToDo

WebSocket compression is currently unsupported.