tokio-timer 0.1.1

Timer facilities for Tokio
# tokio-timer

Timer facilities for Tokio

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## Usage

First, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

tokio-timer = { git = "" }

Next, add this to your crate:

extern crate tokio_timer;

## What is tokio-timer?

This crate provides timer facilities for usage with Tokio. Currently,
the only timer implementation is a hashed timing wheel, but will provide
a binary heap based timer at some point.

A timer provides the ability to set a timeout, represented as a future.
When the timeout is reached, the future completes. This can be
implemented very efficiently and avoiding runtime allocations.

### Hashed Timing Wheel

Inspired by the [paper by Varghese and
the hashed timing wheel is a great choice for the usage pattern commonly
found when writing network applications.

# License

`tokio-timer` is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT
license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by
various BSD-like licenses.

See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.

The MPMC queue implementation is inspired from
see LICENSE-MPMC for details.