tokio-serial 5.4.4

A serial port implementation for tokio
# Change log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [5.4.2] 2022-03-04
- merge [#48]

## [5.4.1] 2021-08-08
Minor update to

### Changed
- version of tokio-serial indicated in example.

## [5.4.0] 2021-08-08
Final release of version 5.4.  No code changes besides bumping `mio-serial` to 5.0 since the
previous 5.4.0-beta4.

### Added
- [ColinFinck] added as maintainer for `tokio-serial`
- [estokes] added as maintainer for `tokio-serial`

### Changed
- Bumped [mio-serial] to 5.0.0

## [5.4.0-beta4] 2021-07-23

### Changed
- [#46] [@ColinFinck] fixed some docs.

## [5.4.0-beta3] 2021-07-23

### Added
- Check in CI tests for building against the MSRV (currently `1.43.0`)

### Changed
- Bumped [mio-serial] to 4.0.0-beta4
- [#45] [@ColinFinck] fixed the example.

## [5.4.0-beta2] 2021-07-22

### Changed
- Renamed `SerialPortBuilderExt::open_async` to `SerialPortBuilderExt::open_native_async` to reflect the original
- [@drbrain] fixed formatting issues with this changelog in [#43]
- Bumped [mio-serial] to 4.0.0-beta3

## [5.4.0-beta1] 2021-07-16

Major release drawing in updates to `tokio` and `mio-serial` (and the upstream `serialport-rs`)


- Following `mio-serial`, added `tokio_serial::SerialStream` with platform specific requirements at compile time with `#[cfg()]`
- Removed `SerialPortSettings`, `serialport-rs` now uses the builder pattern

### Added
- `SerialPortBuilderExt` extension trait for `serialport::SerialPortBuilder` to open a serial port in async mode
- Re-exports of both `mio_serial::new` and `mio_serial::available_ports`

### Changed
- Bumped [tokio] to 1.0
- Bumped [mio-serial] to 4.0.0-beta2

### Contributions
- [#35] by [georgmu] found an early bug in the AsyncRead trait impl
- [#39] and [#41] by [ColinFinck] took it upon himself to push windows support for Tokio 1.X
  and did the vast majority of the initial work and paved the way
## [4.3.3] 2019-11-24
### Changed
* @Darksonn bumped tokio dependencies to version 0.2.0 and cleaned up some dependencies in PR [#24]

## [4.3.3-alpha.6] 2019-11-15
### Changed
* @Darksonn bumped tokio dependencies to version 0.2.0-alpha.6 in PR [#23]
* Updated to include latest tokio-serial version numbers for both tokio 0.1 and 0.2-alpha based libraries.

## [4.3.3-alpha.2] 2019-08-26
### Changed
* Bumped to tokio dependencies to version 0.2
  Majority of work done by @12101111 and @will-w in PR's [#19]
  and [#21] respectively
* @D1plo1d bumped the tokio dependency to 0.2.0-alpha.2 in [#22]

## [3.3.0] 2019-08-23
* Bumped [mio-serial] to 3.3.0 
* Switched to "2018" edition

## [3.2.14] 2019-06-01
### Changed
* Bumped [mio-serial] to 3.2.14 (tracking mio version 0.14)

### changed
* Merged [#17] @nanpuyue updated the printline example.

## [3.2] 2019-01-12
### Changed
* Bumped [serialport-rs] to 3.2

## [3.1.1] 2019-01-12
### Changed
* Merged [#16] @yuja fixed feature flags

## [3.1.0] - 2018-11-10
### changed
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 3.1

## [3.0.0] - 2018-10-06
### changed
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 3.0

## [0.8.0] - 2018-04-27
### changed
* Migrated to tokio 0.1 with [#9] and
  [#10] Thanks, [lnicola]!
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 0.8

## [0.7.0] - UNRELEASED
### added
* Windows support (through mio-serial 0.7)
* Appveyor testing support

### changed
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 0.7

## [0.6.0] - 2017-11-28
### added
* Re-exporting `mio_serial::Error` (itself a re-export of `serialport::Error`)

### changed
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 0.6

## [0.5.0] - 2017-05-18
### added
* Added `trust` CI
* [#1] provided `AsyncRead` and
  `AsyncWrite` impls.  Thanks [lexxvir]!

### changed
* Bumped `mio-serial` dependency to 0.5  Future releases will
  track `mio-serial` versions.