tokio-serde-cbor 0.2.1

Integration of serde_cbor into tokio-io, to allow sending CBOR encoded frames across network (and possibly through other transports).
name = "tokio-serde-cbor"
version = "0.2.1"
authors = ["Michal 'vorner' Vaner <>"]
description = "Integration of serde_cbor into tokio-io, to allow sending CBOR encoded frames across network (and possibly through other transports)."
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["cbor", "tokio", "framing"]
categories = ["asynchronous", "network-programming"]
license = "Apache-2.0/MIT"

travis-ci = { repository = "vorner/tokio-serde-cbor" }
appveyor = { repository = "vorner/tokio-serde-cbor" }

bytes = "~0.4"
serde = "~1"
serde_cbor = "~0.6.0"
tokio-io = "~0.1"