tokio-blocking 0.1.1

A thin wrapper to provide a simple interface to insert blocking operations between non-blocking operations in the context of futures
# tokio-blocking

A thin wrapper to provide a simple interface to insert blocking operations between non-blocking operations in the context of futures.

    let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
    let pool = ThreadPool::new(4);

    let task = lazy(|| Ok::<_, ()>(3))
        .and_then(|_| {
            // Normal non-blocking operations
        .and_then_block(pool, move |_| {
            // Allow blocking operation, which doesn't actually block other futures
        .and_then(|_| {
            // Normal non-blocking operation


This crate was born because the existing [blocking](

1. requires much boilerplate.
2. blocks the entire task after all (e.g. `select` doesn't work well).

### Combinators

The following combinators are supported. All of them takes two arguments: one is the handle of the thread pool which takes care of the blocking operation
, and the other is the callback to be called after the blocking operation gets completed. The type of the return value of the callback is `Result`.
It's passed to to the subsequent combinators as the normal combinators (such as `and_then`) do.

1. `and_then_block`
2. `or_else_block`
3. `then_block`