tokenlock 0.3.4

Cell type whose contents can be accessed only using an unforgeable token.


This crate provides a cell type, TokenLock, whose contents can only be accessed by an unforgeable token.



let mut token = ArcToken::new();

let lock = TokenLock::new(, 1);
assert_eq!(*, 1);

let mut guard = lock.write(&mut token);
assert_eq!(*guard, 1);
*guard = 2;

Only the original Token's owner can access its contents. Token cannot be cloned:

let lock = Arc::new(TokenLock::new(, 1));

let lock_1 = Arc::clone(&lock);
thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || {
    let lock_1 = lock_1;
    let mut token_1 = token;

    // I have `Token` so I can get a mutable reference to the contents
    lock_1.write(&mut token_1);

// can't access the contents; I no longer have `Token`
// lock.write(&mut token);


The lifetime of the returned reference is limited by both of the TokenLock and Token.

let mut token = ArcToken::new();
let lock = TokenLock::new(, 1);
let guard = lock.write(&mut token);
drop(lock); // compile error: `guard` cannot outlive `TokenLock`
drop(token); // compile error: `guard` cannot outlive `Token`

It also prevents from forming a reference to the contained value when there already is a mutable reference to it:

let write_guard = lock.write(&mut token);
let read_guard =; // compile error

While allowing multiple immutable references:

let read_guard1 =;
let read_guard2 =;

Use case: Linked lists

An operating system kernel often needs to store the global state in a global variable. Linked lists are a common data structure used in a kernel, but Rust's ownership does not allow forming 'static references into values protected by a mutex. Common work-arounds, such as smart pointers and index references, take a heavy toll on a small microcontroller with a single-issue in-order pipeline and no hardware multiplier.

struct Process {
    prev: Option<& /* what lifetime? */ Process>,
    next: Option<& /* what lifetime? */ Process>,
    state: u8,
    /* ... */
struct SystemState {
    first_process: Option<& /* what lifetime? */ Process>,
    process_pool: [Process; 64],
static STATE: Mutex<SystemState> = todo!();

tokenlock makes the 'static reference approach possible by detaching the lock granularity from the protected data's granularity.

use tokenlock::*;
use std::cell::Cell;
struct Tag;

type KLock<T> = UnsyncTokenLock<T, SingletonTokenId<Tag>>;
type KLockToken = UnsyncSingletonToken<Tag>;
type KLockTokenId = SingletonTokenId<Tag>;

struct Process {
    prev: KLock<Option<&'static Process>>,
    next: KLock<Option<&'static Process>>,
    state: KLock<u8>,
    /* ... */
struct SystemState {
    first_process: KLock<Option<&'static Process>>,
    process_pool: [Process; 1],
static STATE: SystemState = SystemState {
    first_process: KLock::new(KLockTokenId::new(), None),
    process_pool: [
        Process {
            prev: KLock::new(KLockTokenId::new(), None),
            next: KLock::new(KLockTokenId::new(), None),
            state: KLock::new(KLockTokenId::new(), 0),

Token types

This crate provides the following types implementing Token.

(std only) RcToken and ArcToken ensure their uniqueness by reference-counted memory allocations.

SingletonToken<Tag> is a singleton token, meaning only one of such instance can exist at any point of time during the program's execution. impl_singleton_token_factory! instantiates a static flag to indicate SingletonToken's liveness and allows you to construct it safely by SingletonToken::new. Alternatively, you can use SingletonToken::new_unchecked, but this is unsafe if misused.

!Sync tokens

UnsyncTokenLock is similar to TokenLock but designed for non-Sync tokens and has relaxed requirements on the inner type for thread safety. Specifically, it can be Sync even if the inner type is not Sync. This allows for storing non-Sync cells such as Cell and reading and writing them using shared references (all of which must be on the same thread because the token is !Sync) to the token.

use std::cell::Cell;
let mut token = ArcToken::new();
let lock = Arc::new(UnsyncTokenLock::new(, Cell::new(1)));

let lock_1 = Arc::clone(&lock);
thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || {
    // "Lock" the token to the current thread using
    // `ArcToken::borrow_as_unsync`
    let token = token.borrow_as_unsync();

    // Shared references can alias
    let (token_1, token_2) = (&token, &token);;;

!Sync tokens, of course, cannot be shared between threads:

let mut token = ArcToken::new();
let token = token.borrow_as_unsync();
let (token_1, token_2) = (&token, &token);

// compile error: `&ArcTokenUnsyncRef` is not `Send` because
//                `ArcTokenUnsyncRef` is not `Sync`
thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || {
    let _ = token_2;

let _ = token_1;

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