todo_app_server 0.1.1

A Todo-app-server for learning purpose


Note: todo app server is developed based on Warp's example code at Todo; here sqlite database is used, instead of in-memory database found in the warp example.


  1. Learn Rust language
  2. Warp framework to run it as an app-server
  3. To serve application data through Restful APIs
  4. To access application data, develop a separate todo_web_server

How to use it

  1. Clone or download this app
  2. Edit Settings.toml file to update names of database folder, log folder, ip address, etc.
  3. Build an executable file using: $cargo build --release
  4. Copy the following files/folder into a separate folder, say "~/projects"
    a. target/release/todo-app_ file
    b. Settings.toml file
    c. todo_app.service file
  5. Edit todo_app.service for folder names and follow instructions in it, to run this app as a service in linux
  6. Assuming entry in Settings.toml file for ip-address as, open up a web browser and enter url as
  7. To access the app server, either use Postman or install Todo-web app.


A demo application is running at the following address (browser or Postman can be used to access data):
Todo-App Demo


In case of running multiple web applications on different ports, a traffic router (async) can be used. Please refer
