tock-registers 0.8.1

Memory-Mapped I/O and register interface developed for Tock.
//! Module containing the [`LocalRegisterCopy`] type. Please refer to
//! its documentation.

use core::fmt;
use core::marker::PhantomData;

use crate::fields::{Field, FieldValue, TryFromValue};
use crate::{RegisterLongName, UIntLike};

/// A read-write copy of register contents.
/// This behaves very similarly to a read-write register, but instead of doing a
/// volatile read to MMIO to get the value for each function call, a copy of the
/// register contents are stored locally in memory. This allows a peripheral
/// to do a single read on a register, and then check which bits are set without
/// having to do a full MMIO read each time. It also allows the value of the
/// register to be "cached" in case the peripheral driver needs to clear the
/// register in hardware yet still be able to check the bits.
/// You can write to a local register, which will modify the stored value, but
/// will not modify any hardware because it operates only on local copy.
/// This type does not implement the
/// [`Readable`](crate::interfaces::Readable) and
/// [`Writeable`](crate::interfaces::Writeable) traits because it
/// requires a mutable reference to modify the contained value. It
/// still mirrors the interface which would be exposed by a type
/// implementing [`Readable`](crate::interfaces::Readable),
/// [`Writeable`](crate::interfaces::Writeable) and
/// [`ReadWriteable`](crate::interfaces::ReadWriteable).
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LocalRegisterCopy<T: UIntLike, R: RegisterLongName = ()> {
    value: T,
    associated_register: PhantomData<R>,

impl<T: UIntLike, R: RegisterLongName> LocalRegisterCopy<T, R> {
    pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        LocalRegisterCopy {
            value: value,
            associated_register: PhantomData,

    /// Get the raw register value
    pub fn get(&self) -> T {

    /// Set the raw register value
    pub fn set(&mut self, value: T) {
        self.value = value;

    /// Read the value of the given field
    pub fn read(&self, field: Field<T, R>) -> T {

    /// Read value of the given field as an enum member
    pub fn read_as_enum<E: TryFromValue<T, EnumType = E>>(&self, field: Field<T, R>) -> Option<E> {

    /// Write the value of one or more fields, overwriting the other fields with zero
    pub fn write(&mut self, field: FieldValue<T, R>) {

    /// Write the value of one or more fields, leaving the other fields unchanged
    pub fn modify(&mut self, field: FieldValue<T, R>) {

    /// Check if one or more bits in a field are set
    pub fn is_set(&self, field: Field<T, R>) -> bool {

    /// Check if any specified parts of a field match
    pub fn matches_any(&self, field: FieldValue<T, R>) -> bool {

    /// Check if all specified parts of a field match
    pub fn matches_all(&self, field: FieldValue<T, R>) -> bool {

    /// Do a bitwise AND operation of the stored value and the passed in value
    /// and return a new LocalRegisterCopy.
    pub fn bitand(&self, rhs: T) -> LocalRegisterCopy<T, R> {
        LocalRegisterCopy::new(self.value & rhs)

impl<T: UIntLike + fmt::Debug, R: RegisterLongName> fmt::Debug for LocalRegisterCopy<T, R> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.value)

// Helper macro to implement From<LocalRegisterCopy<T: UIntLike>, R>>
// for <T: UIntLike>
macro_rules! From_impl_for {
    ($type:ty) => {
        impl<R: RegisterLongName> From<LocalRegisterCopy<$type, R>> for $type {
            fn from(r: LocalRegisterCopy<$type, R>) -> $type {
