[][src]Crate tobj

Tiny OBJ loader, inspired by Syoyo's excellent tinyobjloader. Aims to be a simple and lightweight option for loading OBJ files, just returns two vecs containing loaded models and materials. All models are made of triangles, any quad or polygon faces in an OBJ file will be converted to triangles. Note that only polygons that are trivially convertible to triangle fans are supported, arbitrary polygons may not behave as expected. The best solution would be to re-export your mesh using only triangles in your modeling software.

It is assumed that all meshes will at least have positions, but normals and texture coordinates are optional. If no normals or texture coordinates were found then the corresponding vecs for the mesh will be empty. Values are stored packed as floats in vecs, eg. the positions member of a loaded mesh will contain [x, y, z, x, y, z, ...] which you can then use however you like. Indices are also loaded and may re-use vertices already existing in the mesh, this data is stored in the indices member.

Standard MTL attributes are supported as well and any unrecognized parameters will be stored in a HashMap containing the key-value pairs of the unrecognized parameter and its value.


In this simple example we load the classic Cornell Box model that only defines positions and print out its attributes. This example is a slightly trimmed down version of print_model_info and print_material_info combined together, see them for a version that also prints out normals and texture coordinates if the model has them.

use tobj;

let cornell_box = tobj::load_obj("cornell_box.obj");
let (models, materials) = cornell_box.unwrap();

println!("# of models: {}", models.len());
println!("# of materials: {}", materials.len());
for (i, m) in models.iter().enumerate() {
	let mesh = &m.mesh;
	println!("model[{}].name = \'{}\'", i, m.name);
	println!("model[{}].mesh.material_id = {:?}", i, mesh.material_id);

	println!("Size of model[{}].indices: {}", i, mesh.indices.len());
	for f in 0..mesh.indices.len() / 3 {
		println!("    idx[{}] = {}, {}, {}.", f, mesh.indices[3 * f],
			mesh.indices[3 * f + 1], mesh.indices[3 * f + 2]);

	// Normals and texture coordinates are also loaded, but not printed in this example
	println!("model[{}].vertices: {}", i, mesh.positions.len() / 3);
	assert!(mesh.positions.len() % 3 == 0);
	for v in 0..mesh.positions.len() / 3 {
		println!("    v[{}] = ({}, {}, {})", v, mesh.positions[3 * v],
			mesh.positions[3 * v + 1], mesh.positions[3 * v + 2]);
for (i, m) in materials.iter().enumerate() {
	println!("material[{}].name = \'{}\'", i, m.name);
	println!("    material.Ka = ({}, {}, {})", m.ambient[0], m.ambient[1], m.ambient[2]);
	println!("    material.Kd = ({}, {}, {})", m.diffuse[0], m.diffuse[1], m.diffuse[2]);
	println!("    material.Ks = ({}, {}, {})", m.specular[0], m.specular[1], m.specular[2]);
	println!("    material.Ns = {}", m.shininess);
	println!("    material.d = {}", m.dissolve);
	println!("    material.map_Ka = {}", m.ambient_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Kd = {}", m.diffuse_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Ks = {}", m.specular_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Ns = {}", m.normal_texture);
	println!("    material.map_d = {}", m.dissolve_texture);
	for (k, v) in &m.unknown_param {
		println!("    material.{} = {}", k, v);

Rendering Examples

For an example of integration with glium to make a simple OBJ viewer, check out tobj viewer. Some sample images can be found in tobj viewer's readme or in this gallery.

The Rungholt model shown below is reasonably large (6.7M triangles, 12.3M vertices) and is loaded in ~7.47s using a peak of ~1.1GB of memory on a Windows 10 machine with an i7-4790k and 16GB of 1600Mhz DDR3 RAM with tobj 0.1.1 on rustc 1.6.0. The model can be found on Morgan McGuire's meshes page and was originally built by kescha. Future work will focus on improving performance and memory usage.


For an example of integration within a ray tracer, check out tray_rust's mesh module. The Stanford Buddha and Dragon from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository both load quite quickly. The Rust logo model was made by Nylithius on BlenderArtists. The materials used are from the MERL BRDF Database.

Rust logo with friends



A material that may be referenced by one or more meshes. Standard MTL attributes are supported. Any unrecognized parameters will be stored as key-value pairs in the unknown_param HashMap, which maps the unknown parameter to the value set for it.


A mesh made up of triangles loaded from some OBJ file


A named model within the file, associates some mesh with a name that was specified with an o or g keyword in the OBJ file



Possible errors that may occur while loading OBJ and MTL files



Load the materials defined in a MTL file Returns a pair with a Vec holding all loaded materials and a HashMap containing a mapping of material names to indices in the Vec.


Load the various materials in a MTL buffer


Load the various objects specified in the OBJ file and any associated MTL file Returns a pair of Vecs containing the loaded models and materials from the file.


Load the various meshes in an OBJ buffer of some kind, e.g. a network stream, text file already in memory or so on.


Print out all loaded properties of some materials


Print out all loaded properties of some models and associated materials

Type Definitions


LoadResult is a result containing all the models loaded from the file and any materials from referenced material libraries, or an error that occured while loading


MTLLoadResult is a result containing all the materials loaded from the file and a map of MTL name to index or the error that occured while loading