tms9918a_emu 0.3.0

TMS9918A VDP emulator library


Texas Instruments TMS9918A VDP emulator library for Rust

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tms9918a_emu emulates a Texas Instruments TMS9918A video display processor and provides a basic framebuffer as Vec<u32> which can be used with other creates, such as minifb, to create a window.

High-level functions are provided as well as low-level functions, making it easy to control the VDP without needing to use the control and data ports.

This emulator is a work-in-progress and currently only supports the Graphics I and Text video modes, and sprites are unsupported in all modes. In its current state, this emulator is more of a TMS9918 (non-A variant) emulator.


This is a small example program which uses Text mode to display a hello world message in a minifb window, showing how to use the high-level functions: High-level Text mode example

A similar example program is available which shows how to use the low-level functions to display the same hello world message.


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