tmkms 0.12.2

Tendermint Key Management System: provides isolated, optionally HSM-backed signing key management for Tendermint applications including validators, oracles, IBC relayers, and other transaction signing applications
use super::{Chain, Id, Registry};
use std::sync::RwLockReadGuard;

/// Wrapper for a `RwLockReadGuard<'static, Registry>`, allowing access to
/// global information about particular Tendermint networks / "chains"
pub struct Guard<'lock>(RwLockReadGuard<'lock, Registry>);

impl<'lock> From<RwLockReadGuard<'lock, Registry>> for Guard<'lock> {
    fn from(guard: RwLockReadGuard<'lock, Registry>) -> Guard<'lock> {

impl<'lock> Guard<'lock> {
    /// Get information about a particular chain ID (if registered)
    pub fn get_chain(&self, chain_id: &Id) -> Option<&Chain> {