tmkms 0.1.0

Tendermint Key Management System
# Example KMS configuration file
# Copy this to 'kms.toml' and edit for your own purposes

chain_id = "gaia-9000"
reconnect = true # true is the default

    # Connect to validator over TCP
    type = "tcp"
    addr = ""
    port = 26657
    secret_key_path = "path/to/secret_connection.key"

    # UNIX domain socket connection to validator
    #type = "unix"
    #socket-path = "path/to/tmkms_example.sock"

id = "gaia-8000"
path = "path/to/signing.key"

adapter = { type = "usb" }
auth = { key = 1, password = "password" } # Default YubiHSM admin password. Change ASAP!
keys = [{ id = "gaia-9000", key = 1 }]
#serial_number = "0123456789" # identify serial number of a specific YubiHSM to connect to