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Scale securely with Drata (Sponsor)</h3></a><div>Get a single picture of compliance with 80+ SaaS integrations, 24/7 automated monitoring and evidence collection, <a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=paidnewsletter&amp;utm_content=request-demo_txt_v1&amp;utm_term=USCA_all_sec-it_none_none" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">20+ auditor-approved security policies</a>, and world-class support from compliance experts.<p>Drata is trusted by thousands for continuous SOC 2, ISO 27001, and HIPAA compliance.</p><p><a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=paidnewsletter&amp;utm_content=request-demo_txt_v1&amp;utm_term=USCA_all_sec-it_none_none" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Start with an exclusive offer for TLDR readers today</a>!</p></div></div></div><div><div><div class="text-center text-3xl mt-3">📱</div><h6 class="text-center font-bold">Big Tech &amp; Startups</h6></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>OpenAI&#x27;s plans according to Sam Altman (4 minute read)</h3></a><div>OpenAI is currently extremely GPU-limited and this is delaying a lot of its short-term plans. In the near term, the company plans to make GPT-4 cheaper and faster, create longer context windows, finetune its API, and make a stateful API that remembers conversation history. OpenAI plans to introduce GPT-4 multimodality in 2024. Plugins are probably not coming to the API anytime soon as their usage suggests that they don't have product-market fit yet. OpenAI's internal data suggests that making models larger will continue to yield performance.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Apple preps first Mac with M2 Ultra chip and M2 Max desktop ahead of WWDC (3 minute read)</h3></a><div>Apple is expected to announce several new Macs at the WWDC 2023 keynote on Monday. The company is testing two Mac desktops with the M2 Max and M2 Ultra chips ahead of the event. The M2 Ultra will have a 24- or 76-core CPU, 60-core GPU, and up to 192GB of RAM. Apple will begin accepting the Mac Studio and M2 MacBook Air into its trade-in program starting next week. The first M3 Macs are not expected to be ready until the end of the year.</div></div></div><div><div><div class="text-center text-3xl mt-3">🚀</div><h6 class="text-center font-bold">Science &amp; Futuristic Technology</h6></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>How JetZero aims to be the SpaceX of aviation (13 minute read)</h3></a><div>JetZero's blended wing body aircraft could be the first major redesign of a commercial passenger jetliner to enter production. Its lighter weight and superior aerodynamics deliver the same speed and range as existing midbody jetliners on half the fuel. The design could help the airline industry hit emission goals while lowering operational costs. JetZero is aiming for an early-2030s entry to service as commercial jetliners for airlines. Renders of JetZero's wing body aircraft are available in the article.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Longevity enthusiasts want to create their own independent state (8 minute read)</h3></a><div>A group of longevity enthusiasts wants to create their own independent state to study treatments to slow down or reverse aging. They believe that companies should not be held back by laws that limit how they develop and test drugs. Lowering the requirements for testing longevity treatments in humans could accelerate the development of the technology. The group is considering creating a 'longevity state' in Rhode Island or somewhere in Latin America. There are no firm plans for the state yet as the organizers want any decisions to be made collaboratively.</div></div></div><div><div><div class="text-center text-3xl mt-3">💻</div><h6 class="text-center font-bold">Programming, Design &amp; Data Science</h6></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Feedback: I try to answer &quot;how to become a systems engineer&quot; (4 minute read)</h3></a><div>Systems engineers design, integrate, and manage complex systems over their life cycles. Being curious about things and how they work is a helpful mindset for a systems engineer. Trying to work out why things are the way they are will result in working models of why things are the way they are. The experience gained when working out these systems will help when dealing with other systems issues in the future.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=";amp;utm_source=tldr&amp;amp;utm_medium=newsletter"><h3>😘 Kiss Bugs Goodbye (Sponsor)</h3></a><div><a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=newsletter" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">QA Wolf</a> gets web apps to 80% automated end-to-end test coverage in weeks, not years. With unlimited, parallel runs and our Zero Flake Guarantee.<p>Skeptical? 🤨 <a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=newsletter" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Schedule a 90 day pilot</a> and see how they will free up your time and reduce your QA cycles to just a few minutes, or learn more about their <a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=newsletter" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">unique approach to scaling QA for even the most complex web apps</a>. They even have a challenge where you get a free pair of AirPods Max if they can't <a href=";utm_source=tldr&amp;utm_medium=newsletter" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">automate your web app's user flows</a>.</p></div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Chainlit (GitHub Repo)</h3></a><div>Chainlit allows users to create ChatGPT-like UIs on top of any Python code. It features intermediary steps visualization, element management and display, cloud deployment, and more. Plug-and-play integration with LangChain is available.</div></div></div><div><div><div class="text-center text-3xl mt-3">🎁</div><h6 class="text-center font-bold">Miscellaneous</h6></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Would Large Language Models Be Better If They Weren’t So Large? (7 minute read)</h3></a><div>Large language models that generate text improve as they are fed more data. Making bigger and more capable AI requires processing power that few companies possess. There is a growing concern that a small group of tech companies will exercise near-total control over the technology. A group of academics working in natural language processing has issued the BabyLM Challenge to turn this paradigm on its head. The group is calling for teams to create functional language models using data sets that are less than one-ten-thousandth the size of those used by the most advanced language models.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>OpenAI is pursuing a new way to fight A.I. ‘hallucinations’ (3 minute read)</h3></a><div>OpenAI has developed a new method for training artificial intelligence models that hallucinate less. AI hallucinations occur when large language models fabricate information while behaving as if they are spouting facts. Even state-of-the-art models are prone to hallucinations. The new training method awards models for each individual correct step of reasoning instead of only rewarding correct final answers. While OpenAI did not invent the approach, it is helping to push it forward.</div></div></div><div><div><div class="text-center text-3xl mt-3">⚡</div><h6 class="text-center font-bold">Quick Links</h6></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>localGPT (GitHub Repo)</h3></a><div>localGPT uses the Vicuna-7B model and InstructorEmbeddings to allow users to ask questions about their documents without using an internet connection.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>This is the first X-ray taken of a single atom (3 minute read)</h3></a><div>Scientists from Ohio University, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Illinois-Chicago have successfully taken the first X-ray image of a single iron atom.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Brave releases its Search API, bringing independence and competition to the search landscape (3 minute read)</h3></a><div>The Brave Search API allows anyone to integrate billions of private ad-free web search results with a simple API call.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Ask HN: Is it just me or GPT-4&#x27;s quality has significantly deteriorated lately? (Hacker News Thread)</h3></a><div>Many people feel that GPT-4 has been significantly nerfed.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Amazon workers walk out over ‘lack of trust’ in leadership (5 minute read)</h3></a><div>Approximately 2,000 Amazon employees worldwide walked off the job on Wednesday to protest the company's return-to-office mandate, layoffs, and environmental record.</div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>AI Market Cap just increased c$300bn - but infrastructure in short supply (Sponsor)</h3></a><div>Invest into supercomputers for AI workloads with NVIDIA Partner, NexGen Cloud. Projecting 30-50% annualised returns. Limited Opportunity! <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">Get Info pack</a><p></p></div></div><div class="mt-3"><a class="font-bold" href=""><h3>Reddit may force Apollo and third-party clients to shut down, asking for $20M per year API fee (3 minute read)</h3></a><div>Reddit quoted Apollo $12,000 per 50 million requests to use its updated API.</div></div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div class="mt-5"><div><div class="text-center"><span data-br=":Rpm:" data-brr="1" style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;text-decoration:inherit">TLDR is a daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in startups 🚀, tech 📱, and programming 💻!</span><script>self.__wrap_b=(e,n,t)=>{t=t||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${e}"]`);let c=t.parentElement,r=v=>"px";"";let o=c.clientWidth,l=c.clientHeight,a=o/2,i=o,d;if(o){for(;a+1<i;)d=~~((a+i)/2),r(d),c.clientHeight===l?i=d:a=d;r(i*n+o*(1-n))}t.__wrap_o||(t.__wrap_o=new ResizeObserver(()=>{self.__wrap_b(0,+t.dataset.brr,t)})).observe(c)};self.__wrap_b(":Rpm:",1)</script></div><form class="mt-3 px-2 md:px-0 md:flex md:flex-row justify-center text-center"><input class="appearance-none min-w-[80%] w-9/12 md:min-w-0 md:w-60 md:mr-3 h-8 bg-gray-50 text-gray-800 border rounded py-1 px-1 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:bg-white" name="email" type="email" autoCapitalize="none" placeholder="Email Address" required="" value=""/><button style="color:#fff" type="submit" class="gradient btn rounded px-2 h-8 min-w-[80%] w-9/12 mt-2 md:min-w-0 md:mt-0 md:w-fit undefined">Subscribe</button></form><div class="mt-3 text-center">Join <!-- -->1,000,000<!-- --> readers for<!-- --> <a href="/api/latest/tech">one daily email</a></div><div class="pt-3 text-center" style="height:40px"></div></div></div><div class="mt-4 text-center w-100"><div class="text-center"><a class="mr-3" href="/privacy">Privacy</a><a class="" href="/tech/advertise">Advertise</a></div></div></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"date":"2023-06-01","stories":[{"id":213823,"url":"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=paidnewsletter\u0026amp;utm_content=request-demo_txt_v1\u0026amp;utm_term=USCA_all_sec-it_none_none","title":"Say goodbye to repetitive compliance tasks. Scale securely with Drata (Sponsor)","tldr":"Get a single picture of compliance with 80+ SaaS integrations, 24/7 automated monitoring and evidence collection, \u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=paidnewsletter\u0026amp;utm_content=request-demo_txt_v1\u0026amp;utm_term=USCA_all_sec-it_none_none\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e20+ auditor-approved security policies\u003c/a\u003e, and world-class support from compliance experts.\u003cp\u003eDrata is trusted by thousands for continuous SOC 2, ISO 27001, and HIPAA compliance.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=paidnewsletter\u0026amp;utm_content=request-demo_txt_v1\u0026amp;utm_term=USCA_all_sec-it_none_none\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eStart with an exclusive offer for TLDR readers today\u003c/a\u003e!\u003c/p\u003e","date":"2023-06-01","category":"sponsor","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213835,"url":"","title":"localGPT (GitHub Repo)","tldr":"localGPT uses the Vicuna-7B model and InstructorEmbeddings to allow users to ask questions about their documents without using an internet connection.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213836,"url":"","title":"This is the first X-ray taken of a single atom (3 minute read)","tldr":"Scientists from Ohio University, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Illinois-Chicago have successfully taken the first X-ray image of a single iron atom.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213838,"url":"","title":"Brave releases its Search API, bringing independence and competition to the search landscape (3 minute read)","tldr":"The Brave Search API allows anyone to integrate billions of private ad-free web search results with a simple API call.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213824,"url":"","title":"OpenAI's plans according to Sam Altman (4 minute read)","tldr":"OpenAI is currently extremely GPU-limited and this is delaying a lot of its short-term plans. In the near term, the company plans to make GPT-4 cheaper and faster, create longer context windows, finetune its API, and make a stateful API that remembers conversation history. OpenAI plans to introduce GPT-4 multimodality in 2024. Plugins are probably not coming to the API anytime soon as their usage suggests that they don't have product-market fit yet. OpenAI's internal data suggests that making models larger will continue to yield performance.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"big","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213825,"url":"","title":"Apple preps first Mac with M2 Ultra chip and M2 Max desktop ahead of WWDC (3 minute read)","tldr":"Apple is expected to announce several new Macs at the WWDC 2023 keynote on Monday. The company is testing two Mac desktops with the M2 Max and M2 Ultra chips ahead of the event. The M2 Ultra will have a 24- or 76-core CPU, 60-core GPU, and up to 192GB of RAM. Apple will begin accepting the Mac Studio and M2 MacBook Air into its trade-in program starting next week. The first M3 Macs are not expected to be ready until the end of the year.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"big","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213826,"url":"","title":"How JetZero aims to be the SpaceX of aviation (13 minute read)","tldr":"JetZero's blended wing body aircraft could be the first major redesign of a commercial passenger jetliner to enter production. Its lighter weight and superior aerodynamics deliver the same speed and range as existing midbody jetliners on half the fuel. The design could help the airline industry hit emission goals while lowering operational costs. JetZero is aiming for an early-2030s entry to service as commercial jetliners for airlines. Renders of JetZero's wing body aircraft are available in the article.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"future","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213829,"url":"","title":"Feedback: I try to answer \"how to become a systems engineer\" (4 minute read)","tldr":"Systems engineers design, integrate, and manage complex systems over their life cycles. Being curious about things and how they work is a helpful mindset for a systems engineer. Trying to work out why things are the way they are will result in working models of why things are the way they are. The experience gained when working out these systems will help when dealing with other systems issues in the future.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"programming","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213830,"url":"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=newsletter","title":"😘 Kiss Bugs Goodbye (Sponsor)","tldr":"\u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=newsletter\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eQA Wolf\u003c/a\u003e gets web apps to 80% automated end-to-end test coverage in weeks, not years. With unlimited, parallel runs and our Zero Flake Guarantee.\u003cp\u003eSkeptical? 🤨 \u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=newsletter\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eSchedule a 90 day pilot\u003c/a\u003e and see how they will free up your time and reduce your QA cycles to just a few minutes, or learn more about their \u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=newsletter\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eunique approach to scaling QA for even the most complex web apps\u003c/a\u003e. They even have a challenge where you get a free pair of AirPods Max if they can't \u003ca href=\"\u0026amp;utm_source=tldr\u0026amp;utm_medium=newsletter\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eautomate your web app's user flows\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e","date":"2023-06-01","category":"programming","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213827,"url":"","title":"Longevity enthusiasts want to create their own independent state (8 minute read)","tldr":"A group of longevity enthusiasts wants to create their own independent state to study treatments to slow down or reverse aging. They believe that companies should not be held back by laws that limit how they develop and test drugs. Lowering the requirements for testing longevity treatments in humans could accelerate the development of the technology. The group is considering creating a 'longevity state' in Rhode Island or somewhere in Latin America. There are no firm plans for the state yet as the organizers want any decisions to be made collaboratively.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"future","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213828,"url":"","title":"Chainlit (GitHub Repo)","tldr":"Chainlit allows users to create ChatGPT-like UIs on top of any Python code. It features intermediary steps visualization, element management and display, cloud deployment, and more. Plug-and-play integration with LangChain is available.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"programming","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213831,"url":"","title":"Would Large Language Models Be Better If They Weren’t So Large? (7 minute read)","tldr":"Large language models that generate text improve as they are fed more data. Making bigger and more capable AI requires processing power that few companies possess. There is a growing concern that a small group of tech companies will exercise near-total control over the technology. A group of academics working in natural language processing has issued the BabyLM Challenge to turn this paradigm on its head. The group is calling for teams to create functional language models using data sets that are less than one-ten-thousandth the size of those used by the most advanced language models.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"miscellaneous","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213837,"url":"","title":"Ask HN: Is it just me or GPT-4's quality has significantly deteriorated lately? (Hacker News Thread)","tldr":"Many people feel that GPT-4 has been significantly nerfed.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213839,"url":"","title":"Amazon workers walk out over ‘lack of trust’ in leadership (5 minute read)","tldr":"Approximately 2,000 Amazon employees worldwide walked off the job on Wednesday to protest the company's return-to-office mandate, layoffs, and environmental record.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213832,"url":"","title":"OpenAI is pursuing a new way to fight A.I. ‘hallucinations’ (3 minute read)","tldr":"OpenAI has developed a new method for training artificial intelligence models that hallucinate less. AI hallucinations occur when large language models fabricate information while behaving as if they are spouting facts. Even state-of-the-art models are prone to hallucinations. The new training method awards models for each individual correct step of reasoning instead of only rewarding correct final answers. While OpenAI did not invent the approach, it is helping to push it forward.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"miscellaneous","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213833,"url":"","title":"AI Market Cap just increased c$300bn - but infrastructure in short supply (Sponsor)","tldr":"Invest into supercomputers for AI workloads with NVIDIA Partner, NexGen Cloud. Projecting 30-50% annualised returns. Limited Opportunity! \u003ca href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eGet Info pack\u003c/a\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"},{"id":213834,"url":"","title":"Reddit may force Apollo and third-party clients to shut down, asking for $20M per year API fee (3 minute read)","tldr":"Reddit quoted Apollo $12,000 per 50 million requests to use its updated API.","date":"2023-06-01","category":"quick","newsletter":"tech"}],"subject":"OpenAI's roadmap 🤖, Apple's M2 Macs 🖥️ , becoming a systems engineer 👨‍💻"},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/tech/[date]","query":{"date":"2023-06-01"},"buildId":"qEJCEiZBrBY9_kauCOyCz","isFallback":false,"gsp":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>