tinyvec 0.1.0

Just, really the littlest Vec you could need. So smol.
name = "tinyvec"
description = "Just, really the littlest Vec you could need. So smol."
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Lokathor <zefria@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Zlib"
keywords = ["vec", "no_std", "no-std", "smol"]
categories = ["data-structures", "no-std"]

# not even std!

default = ["extern_crate_alloc"]

# Provide additional types and impls related to the `alloc` crate.
extern_crate_alloc = []

# allow use of nightly feature `slice_partition_dedup`,
# will become useless once that is stabilized:
# https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54279
nightly_slice_partition_dedup = []

appveyor = { repository = "Lokathor/tinyvec" }
travis-ci = { repository = "Lokathor/tinyvec" }

all-features = true