tinyjson 2.2.0

Tiny simple JSON parser/generator

[tinyjson](https://crates.io/crates/tinyjson) is a library to parse/generate JSON format document.


- Using Stable APIs; using no experimental APIs, no compiler plugin
- Reasonable simple JSON object interface; not serialize/deserialize JSON format to some specific `struct`
- No crate dependencies at runtime
- Well tested with famous JSON test suites
  - [JSON checker in json.org]http://www.json.org/JSON_checker/
  - [JSONTestSuite]https://github.com/nst/JSONTestSuite
  - [JSON-Schema-Test-Suite]https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite
- My Rust practice :)

## Requirements

Rust stable toolchain (no dependency).

## Installation

Add this crate to `dependencies` section of your `Cargo.toml`

tinyjson = "2"

## Usage

### Parse JSON

String is parsed to `JsonValue` struct via [`FromStr`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/str/trait.FromStr.html).

use tinyjson::JsonValue;

let s = r#"
        "bool": true,
        "arr": [1, null, "test"],
        "nested": {
            "blah": false,
            "blahblah": 3.14
        "unicode": "\u2764"

let parsed: JsonValue = s.parse().unwrap();
println!("Parsed: {:?}", parsed);

`str::parse()` is available.  It parses the target as JSON and creates `tinyjson::JsonValue` object.  It represents tree structure of parsed JSON.  `JsonValue` is an `enum` struct and allocated on stack.  So it doesn't require additional heap allocation.

### Access to JSON Value

`JsonValue` is an `enum` value.  So we can access it with `match` statement.

let json = JsonValue::Number(42);
let v = match json {
    JsonValue::Number(n) => n, // When number
    JsonValue::Null => 0.0, // When null
    _ => panic!("Unexpected!"),

Each JSON types correspond to Rust types as follows:

| JSON    | Rust                         |
| Number  | `f64`                        |
| Boolean | `bool`                       |
| String  | `String`                     |
| Null    | `()`                         |
| Array   | `Vec<JsonValue>`             |
| Object  | `HashMap<String, JsonValue>` |

JSON is a tree structure and it's boring to write nested `match` statement.  So `JsonValue` implements `std::ops::Index` and `std::ops::IndexMut` traits in order to access to its nested values quickly.

let mut json: tinyjson::JsonValue = r#"
  "foo": {
    "bar": [
        "target": 42
        "not target": 0

// Access with index operator
let target_value = json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"];
println!("{:?}", target_value); // => JsonValue::Number(42.0)

// Modify value with index operator
json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"] = JsonValue::Null;
println!("{:?}", json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"]); // => JsonValue::Null

Index access with `&str` key is available when the value is an object.  And index access with `usize` is available when the value is an array.  They return the `&JsonValue` value if target value was found.
And modifying inner value directly with index access at right hand side of `=` is also available.  In both cases, it will call `panic!` when the value for key or the element of index was not found.

`get()` and `get_mut()` methods are provided to dereference the `enum` value (e.g. `JsonValue::Number(4.2)` -> `4.2`).  `get()` method returns its dereferenced raw value.  It returns `Option<&T>` (`T` is corresponding value that you expected).  If `None` is returned, it means its type mismatched with your expected one.  Which type `get()` should dereference is inferred from how the returned value will be handled.  So you don't need to specify it explicitly.

use tinyjson::JsonValue;

let json: JsonValue = r#"{
  "num": 42,
  "array": [1, true, "aaa"]

// Refer mmutable inner value
let num: &f64 = json["num"].get().expect("Number value");
let arr: &Vec<_> = json["array"].get().expect("Array value");

let mut json: JsonValue = r#"{
  "num": 42,
  "array": [1, true, "aaa"]

// Refer mutable inner value
let num: &mut f64 = json["num"].get_mut().expect("Number value");
num = JsonValue::Boolean(false);

`JsonValue` implements [`TryInto`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/convert/trait.TryInto.html). It can convert `JsonValue` into inner value.

use tinyjson::JsonValue;
use std::convert::TryInto;

let json: JsonValue = r#"{ "num": 42 }"#.parse().unwrap();

// Move out inner value using try_into()
let num: f64 = json["num"].try_into().expect("Number value");

### Equality of `JsonValue`

`JsonValue` derives `PartialEq` traits hence it can be checked with `==` operator.

let json: JsonValue = r#"{"foo": 42}"#.parse().unwrap();
assert!(json["foo"] == JsonValue::Number(42.0));

If you want to check its type only, there are `is_xxx()` shortcut methods in `JsonValue` instead of using `match` statement explicitly.

let json: tinyjson::JsonValue = r#"
  "num": 42,
  "array": [1, true, "aaa"],
  "null": null


### Generate JSON

`stringify()` method can be used to create JSON string.

use tinyjson::JsonValue;

let s = r#"
        "bool": true,
        "arr": [1, null, "test"],
        "nested": {
            "blah": false,
            "blahblah": 3.14
        "unicode": "\u2764"

let parsed: JsonValue = s.parse().unwrap();
let str = parsed.stringify().unwrap();
println!("{}", str);

## Examples

Working examples are put in [`examples` directory](./examples). They can be run with `cargo run --example`.

echo '{"hello": "world"}' | cargo run --example parse
echo '["foo",  42,    null ]' | cargo run --example minify
cargo run --example json_value


- [x] Parser
- [x] Generator
- [x] Equality of `JsonValue`
- [x] Index access to `JsonValue` (array, object)
- [x] Tests
- [x] Fuzzing

## Repository


## Development

# Run tests
cargo test

# Run linters
cargo clippy
cargo fmt -- --check

# Run fuzzer
cargo +nightly fuzz run parser


- [clippy]https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy
- [rustfmt]https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt
- [cargo-fuzz]https://github.com/rust-fuzz/cargo-fuzz

## License

[the MIT License](LICENSE.txt)