tinybmp 0.2.3

No-std, low memory footprint BMP image loader


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A small BMP parser designed for embedded, no-std environments but usable anywhere. Beyond parsing the image header, no other allocations are made. A reference to the input image data is kept and slices are returned from it.


use tinybmp::{Bmp, FileType, Header, Pixel};

let bmp = Bmp::from_slice(include_bytes!("../tests/chessboard-8px-24bit.bmp"))
    .expect("Failed to parse BMP image");

// Read the BMP header
    Header {
        file_type: FileType::BM,
        file_size: 314,
        reserved_1: 0,
        reserved_2: 0,
        image_data_start: 122,
        bpp: 24,
        image_width: 8,
        image_height: 8,
        image_data_len: 192

// Check that raw image data slice is the correct length (according to parsed header)
assert_eq!(bmp.image_data().len(), bmp.header.image_data_len as usize);

// Get an iterator over the pixel coordinates and colors in this image and collect into a vec
let pixels: Vec<Pixel> = bmp.into_iter().collect();

// Loaded example image is 8x8px
assert_eq!(pixels.len(), 8 * 8);


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