tiny-multihash 0.5.0

Implementation of the multihash format
# tiny-multihash


> [multihash]https://github.com/multiformats/multihash implementation in Rust.

## Table of Contents

- [Install]#install
- [Usage]#usage
- [Supported Hash Types]#supported-hash-types
- [Maintainers]#maintainers
- [Contribute]#contribute
- [License]#license

## Install

First add this to your `Cargo.toml`

tiny-multihash = "*"

Then run `cargo build`.

## Usage

use tiny_multihash::{Multihash, MultihashDigest, SHA2_256};

fn main() {
    let hash = Multihash::new(SHA2_256, b"my hash");
    println!("{:?}", hash);

### Using a custom code table

You can derive your own application specific code table:

use tiny_multihash::derive::Multihash;
use tiny_multihash::{Hasher, MultihashDigest};

const FOO: u64 = 0x01;
const BAR: u64 = 0x02;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Multihash, PartialEq)]
pub enum Multihash {
    #[mh(code = FOO, hasher = tiny_multihash::Sha2_256)]
    #[mh(code = BAR, hasher = tiny_multihash::Sha2_512)]

fn main() {
    let hash = Multihash::new(FOO, b"my hash");
    println!("{:?}", hash);

## Supported Hash Types

* `SHA1`
* `SHA2-256`
* `SHA2-512`
* `SHA3`/`Keccak`
* `Blake2b-256`/`Blake2b-512`/`Blake2s-128`/`Blake2s-256`

## Maintainers
