tiny-keccak 2.0.0-alpha2

An implementation of the FIPS-202-defined SHA-3 and SHAKE functions.
example = []
test = []

name = "keccak"
required-features = ["keccak"]

name = "kangaroo"
required-features = ["k12"]
branch = "master"
repository = "debris/tiny-keccak"
version = "0.2.2"

cshake = []
default = []
fips202 = ["keccak", "shake", "sha3"]
k12 = []
keccak = []
kmac = ["cshake"]
sha3 = []
shake = []
sp800 = ["cshake", "kmac", "tuple_hash"]
tuple_hash = ["cshake"]

authors = ["debris <marek.kotewicz@gmail.com>"]
categories = ["cryptography", "no-std"]
description = "An implementation of the FIPS-202-defined SHA-3 and SHAKE functions."
edition = "2018"
homepage = "https://github.com/debris/tiny-keccak"
keywords = ["sha3", "sha-3", "keccak", "crypto", "kangarootwelve"]
license = "CC0-1.0"
name = "tiny-keccak"
version = "2.0.0-alpha2"
all-features = true
debug = false
opt-level = 3

debug = false
opt-level = 3