tinkv 0.7.1

A fast and simple key-value storage engine.
# ![TinKV Logo]https://i.loli.net/2020/06/08/3hYVFNurxGoLei7.jpg

[TinKV](https://github.com/iFaceless/tinkv) is a simple and fast key-value storage engine written in Rust. Inspired by [basho/bitcask](https://github.com/basho/bitcask), written after attending the [Talent Plan courses](https://github.com/pingcap/talent-plan). 

- *Do not use it in production.*
- *Operations like set/remove/compact are not thread-safe currently.*

Happy hacking~


# Features

- Embeddable (use `tinkv` as a library);
- Builtin CLI (`tinkv`);
- Builtin Redis compatible server (WIP);
- Predictable read/write performance.

# Usage
## As a library

$ cargo add tinkv

Full example usage can be found in [examples/basic.rs](./examples/basic.rs).

use pretty_env_logger;
use tinkv::{self, Store};

fn main() -> tinkv::Result<()> {
    let mut store = Store::open("/path/to/tinkv")?;
    store.set("hello".as_bytes(), "tinkv".as_bytes())?;

    let value = store.get("hello".as_bytes())?;
    assert_eq!(value, Some("tinkv".as_bytes().to_vec()));


    let value_not_found = store.get("hello".as_bytes())?;
    assert_eq!(value_not_found, None);


### Open with custom options

use pretty_env_logger;
use tinkv::{self, Store};

fn main() -> tinkv::Result<()> {
    let mut store = tinkv::OpenOptions::new()
        .max_data_file_size(1024 * 1024)
    store.set("hello".as_bytes(), "world".as_bytes())?;

### APIs

Public APIs of tinkv store are very easy to use:

| API                      |                   Description                                 |
|`Store::open(path)`       | Open a new or existing datastore. The directory must be writeable and readable for tinkv store.|`
|`tinkv::OpenOptions()`    | Open a new or existing datastore with custom options. |
|`store.get(key)`          | Get value by key from datastore.|
|`store.set(key, value)`   | Store a key value pair into datastore.|
|`store.remove(key, value)`| Remove a key from datastore.|
|`store.compact()`         | Merge data files into a more compact form. drop stale segments to release disk space. Produce hint files after compaction for faster startup.|
|`store.keys()`            | Return all the keys in database.|
|`store.len()`             | Return total number of keys in database.|
|`store.for_each(f: Fn(key, value) -> Result<bool>)`             | Iterate all keys in database and call function `f` for each entry.|
|`store.stas()`            | Get current statistics of database.|
|`store.sync()`            | Force any writes to datastore.|
|`store.close()`           | Close datastore, sync all pending writes to disk.|

### Run examples

$ RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --example basic

`RUST_LOG` level can be one of [`trace`, `debug`, `info`, `error`].

    <summary>CLICK HERE | Example output.</summary>

$ RUST_LOG=info cargo run --example basic

 2020-06-18T10:20:03.497Z INFO  tinkv::store > open store path: .tinkv
 2020-06-18T10:20:04.853Z INFO  tinkv::store > build keydir done, got 100001 keys. current stats: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 0, total_stale_entries: 0, total_active_entries: 100001, total_data_files: 1, size_of_all_data_files: 10578168 }
200000 keys written in 9.98773 secs, 20024.57 keys/s
initial: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 21155900, total_stale_entries: 200000, total_active_entries: 100001, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 31733728 }
key_1 => "value_1_1592475604853568000_hello_world"
after set 1: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 21155900, total_stale_entries: 200000, total_active_entries: 100002, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 31733774 }
after set 2: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 21155946, total_stale_entries: 200001, total_active_entries: 100002, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 31733822 }
after set 3: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 21155994, total_stale_entries: 200002, total_active_entries: 100002, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 31733870 }
after remove: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 21156107, total_stale_entries: 200003, total_active_entries: 100001, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 31733935 }
 2020-06-18T10:20:14.841Z INFO  tinkv::store > compact 2 data files
after compaction: Stats { size_of_stale_entries: 0, total_stale_entries: 0, total_active_entries: 100001, total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 10577828 }
key_1 => "value_1_1592475604853568000_hello_world"

## CLI

Install `tinkv` executable binaries.

$ cargo install tinkv

$ tinkv --help
    tinkv [FLAGS] <path> <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -q, --quiet      Pass many times for less log output
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Pass many times for more log output

    <path>    Path to tinkv datastore

    compact    Compact data files in datastore and reclaim disk space
    del        Delete a key value pair from datastore
    get        Retrive value of a key, and display the value
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    keys       List all keys in datastore
    scan       Perform a prefix scanning for keys
    set        Store a key value pair into datastore
    stats      Display statistics of the datastore

Example usages:
$ tinkv /tmp/db set hello world
$ tinkv /tmp/db get hello

# Change verbosity level (info).
$ tinkv /tmp/db -vvv compact
2020-06-20T10:32:45.582Z INFO  tinkv::store > open store path: tmp/db
2020-06-20T10:32:45.582Z INFO  tinkv::store > build keydir from data file /tmp/db/000000000001.tinkv.data
2020-06-20T10:32:45.583Z INFO  tinkv::store > build keydir from data file /tmp/db/000000000002.tinkv.data
2020-06-20T10:32:45.583Z INFO  tinkv::store > build keydir done, got 1 keys. current stats: Stats { size_of_stale_entries:0, total_stale_entries: 0, total_active_entries: 1,total_data_files: 2, size_of_all_data_files: 60 }
2020-06-20T10:32:45.583Z INFO  tinkv::store > there are 3 datafiles need to be compacted

## Client & Server


**Redis-compatible protocol?**

**Note**: not all the redis commands are available, only a few of them are supported by tinkv.

- `get <key>`
- `set <key> <value>`
- `del <key>`

# About Compaction

Compation process will be triggered if `size_of_stale_entries >= config::COMPACTION_THRESHOLD` after each call of `set/remove`. Compaction steps are very simple and easy to understand:
1. Freeze current active segment, and switch to another one.
2. Create a compaction segment file, then iterate all the entries in `keydir` (in-memory hash table), copy related data entries into compaction file and update `keydir`.
3. Remove all the stale segment files.

Hint files (for fast startup) of corresponding data files will be generated after each compaction.

You can call `store.compact()` method to trigger compaction process if nessesary.

use pretty_env_logger;
use tinkv::{self, Store};

fn main() -> tinkv::Result<()> {
    let mut store = Store::open("/path/to/tinkv")?;


# Structure of Data Directory

├── 000000000001.tinkv.hint -- related index/hint file, for fast startup
├── 000000000001.tinkv.data -- immutable data file
└── 000000000002.tinkv.data -- active data file

# Refs

I'm not familiar with erlang, but I found some implementations in other languages worth learning.

1. Go: [prologic/bitcask]https://github.com/prologic/bitcask
2. Go: [prologic/bitraft]https://github.com/prologic/bitraft
3. Python: [turicas/pybitcask]https://github.com/turicas/pybitcask
4. Rust: [dragonquest/bitcask]https://github.com/dragonquest/bitcask

Found another simple key-value database based on Bitcask model, please refer [xujiajun/nutsdb](https://github.com/xujiajun/nutsdb).