tinkoff-bank 0.1.0

Some parts of API used by Tinkoff mobile app
use crate::data_structs::*;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};

const API_URL: &str = "https://api.tinkoff.ru";
const DEFAULT_PARAMS: [(&str, &str); 6] = [
    ("appVersion", "5.5.1"),
    ("connectionSubtype", "4G"),
    ("appName", "mobile"),
    ("origin", "mobile,ib5,loyalty,platform"),
    ("connectionType", "Cellular"),
    ("platform", "android"),
    // pass device id too

pub struct Client {
    pub(crate) base_url: String,
    client: reqwest::Client,

impl Default for Client {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Client for Tinkoff bank API that is used by their mobile app.
/// In most cases you don't need to use `::new` method, so instantiate client with `::default`.
impl Client {
    /// Creates new `Client` with specified API url.

    /// Useful only for testing or working through proxy (maybe).
    pub fn new(base_url: &str) -> Self {
        Client {
            base_url: base_url.to_owned(),
            client: reqwest::Client::new(),

    /// Ping bank API for details about specified session and device id.
    pub async fn ping(&self, device_id: &str, session_id: &str) -> ResponsePayload<UserInfo> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],

    /// Ask bank API for new session.
    /// This method is a first call in any new interaction with bank API, so you should pregenrate
    /// device id and keep it.
    pub async fn request_session(&self, device_id: &str) -> ResponsePayload<Session> {
        self.request("/v1/auth/session", &[("deviceId", device_id)], &[])

    /// Start auth by phone.
    /// If successful case API returns operation ticket and user will get SMS code. All this
    /// details are needed to confirm auth in future.
    pub async fn auth_by_phone(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        phone: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<Nothing> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
            &[("phone", phone)],

    /// Complete auth by phone.
    /// Returns details on current session.
    pub async fn confirm_auth_by_phone(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        operation_ticket: &str,
        sms_code: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<UserInfo> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
                ("initialOperationTicket", operation_ticket),
                ("initialOperation", "auth/by/phone"),
                    &serde_json::json!({ "SMSBYID": sms_code }).to_string(),

    /// Auth by password.
    /// You can't skip this step if you want to get full access to API. So, before calling this
    /// method you should complete auth by phone.
    pub async fn auth_by_password(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        password: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<UserInfo> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
            &[("password", password)],

    /// Set auth pin like a mobile app does it with pin and fingerprint.
    /// Just generate pin hash and remember its value forever. In future you can use this hash to
    /// auth faster.
    pub async fn set_auth_pin(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        pin_hash: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<Nothing> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
            &[("pinHash", pin_hash)],

    /// Auth by pin like a mobile app does it with pin and fingerprint.
    /// To use you should know your previous (maybe outdated) session id. Request new session and
    /// provider both sessions (old and new) with pin hash, now new session has full access like
    /// old session previously.
    pub async fn auth_by_pin(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        pin_hash: &str,
        old_session_id: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<UserInfo> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
                ("pinHash", pin_hash),
                ("oldSessionId", old_session_id),
                ("auth_type", "pin"),

    /// List all bank accounts as flat list.
    /// Note that this method won't return any accounts from investing.
    pub async fn list_accounts(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<Vec<Account>> {
            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],

    /// List operations for specified account id.
    /// Provide 'internal' account id, not account number! Real API doesn't require two dates for
    /// filtering, but I will.
    pub async fn list_operations(
        device_id: &str,
        session_id: &str,
        account_id: &str,
        start: DateTime<Utc>,
        end: DateTime<Utc>,
    ) -> ResponsePayload<Vec<Operation>> {
        let start = start.timestamp_millis().to_string();
        let end = end.timestamp_millis().to_string();

            &[("deviceId", device_id), ("sessionid", session_id)],
            &[("account", account_id), ("start", &start), ("end", &end)],

    async fn request(
        uri: &str,
        query: &[(&str, &str)],
        form: &[(&str, &str)],
    ) -> reqwest::Response {
            .post(&format!("{}{}", self.base_url, uri))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use httpmock::MockServer;
    use rstest::*;

    fn server() -> MockServer {

    fn make_client(server: &MockServer) -> Client {

    fn creates_client_with_specified_params() {
        let client = Client::new("http://lol.kek");

        assert_eq!(client.base_url, "http://lol.kek");

    async fn request_passes_default_params(server: MockServer) {
        let mock = server.mock(|when, then| {
                .query_param("appVersion", "5.5.1")
                .query_param("connectionSubtype", "4G")
                .query_param("appName", "mobile")
                .query_param("origin", "mobile,ib5,loyalty,platform")
                .query_param("connectionType", "Cellular")
                .query_param("platform", "android");

        make_client(&server).request("/example", &[], &[]).await;


    async fn request_passes_query_params_if_provided(server: MockServer) {
        let mock = server.mock(|when, then| {
                .query_param("appVersion", "5.5.1")
                .query_param("connectionSubtype", "4G")
                .query_param("appName", "mobile")
                .query_param("origin", "mobile,ib5,loyalty,platform")
                .query_param("connectionType", "Cellular")
                .query_param("platform", "android")
                // additional params
                .query_param("key1", "val1")
                .query_param("key2", "val2");

            .request("/example", &[("key1", "val1"), ("key2", "val2")], &[])


    async fn request_passes_also_if_provided(server: MockServer) {
        let mock = server.mock(|when, then| {
                .query_param("appVersion", "5.5.1")
                .query_param("connectionSubtype", "4G")
                .query_param("appName", "mobile")
                .query_param("origin", "mobile,ib5,loyalty,platform")
                .query_param("connectionType", "Cellular")
                .query_param("platform", "android")
                // additional params

            .request("/example", &[], &[("key1", "val1"), ("key2", "val2")])
