[][src]Struct tinkerforge::rs485_bricklet::Rs485Bricklet

pub struct Rs485Bricklet { /* fields omitted */ }

Communicates with RS485/Modbus devices with full- or half-duplex


impl Rs485Bricklet[src]

pub const DEVICE_IDENTIFIER: u16[src]

pub const DEVICE_DISPLAY_NAME: &'static str[src]

pub fn new<T: GetRequestSender>(uid: &str, req_sender: T) -> Rs485Bricklet[src]

Creates an object with the unique device ID uid. This object can then be used after the IP Connection ip_connection is connected.

pub fn get_response_expected(
    &mut self,
    fun: Rs485BrickletFunction
) -> Result<bool, GetResponseExpectedError>

Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the function ID parameter. It is true if the function is expected to send a response, false otherwise.

For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, because those functions will always send a response. For callback configuration functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled by set_response_expected. For setter functions it is disabled by default and can be enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is send and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

See set_response_expected for the list of function ID constants available for this function.

pub fn set_response_expected(
    &mut self,
    fun: Rs485BrickletFunction,
    response_expected: bool
) -> Result<(), SetResponseExpectedError>

Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the function ID parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter (default value: false) and callback configuration functions (default value: true). For getter functions it is always enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is send and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

pub fn set_response_expected_all(&mut self, response_expected: bool)[src]

Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration functions of this device at once.

pub fn get_api_version(&self) -> [u8; 3][src]

Returns the version of the API definition (major, minor, revision) implemented by this API bindings. This is neither the release version of this API bindings nor does it tell you anything about the represented Brick or Bricklet.

pub fn get_read_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ReadLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called if new data is available.

To enable this receiver, use enable_read_callback.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_read_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<char, ReadResult, ReadLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called if new data is available.

To enable this receiver, use enable_read_callback.

pub fn get_error_count_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ErrorCountEvent>

This receiver is called if a new error occurs. It returns the current overrun and parity error count.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_read_coils_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveReadCoilsRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read coils. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first coil to be read and the number of coils to be read as received by the request. The number of the first coil is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_read_coils_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_read_coils_response_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterReadCoilsResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read coils.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_master_read_coils_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<bool, ModbusMasterReadCoilsResponseResult, ModbusMasterReadCoilsResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read coils.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_read_holding_registers_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveReadHoldingRegistersRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read holding registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first holding register to be read and the number of holding registers to be read as received by the request. The number of the first holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_read_holding_registers_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_read_holding_registers_response_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterReadHoldingRegistersResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read holding registers.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_master_read_holding_registers_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<u16, ModbusMasterReadHoldingRegistersResponseResult, ModbusMasterReadHoldingRegistersResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read holding registers.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_single_coil_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveWriteSingleCoilRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write a single coil. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the coil and the value of coil to be written as received by the request. The number of the coil is called coil address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_single_coil_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_write_single_coil_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteSingleCoilResponseEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write a single coil.

The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveWriteSingleRegisterRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write a single holding register. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the holding register and the register value to be written as received by the request. The number of the holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_single_register_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_write_single_register_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteSingleRegisterResponseEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write a single register.

The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_coils_request_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleCoilsRequestLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple coils. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first coil and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first coil is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_coils_request.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_coils_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<bool, ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleCoilsRequestResult, ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleCoilsRequestLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple coils. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first coil and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first coil is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_coils_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_write_multiple_coils_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteMultipleCoilsResponseEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read coils.

The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_registers_request_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleRegistersRequestLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple holding registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first holding register and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_registers_request.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_registers_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<u16, ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleRegistersRequestResult, ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleRegistersRequestLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple holding registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first holding register and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_registers_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_write_multiple_registers_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteMultipleRegistersResponseEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write multiple registers.

The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_read_discrete_inputs_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveReadDiscreteInputsRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read discrete inputs. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first discrete input and the number of discrete inputs to be read as received by the request. The number of the first discrete input is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a discrete input number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 1 (for discrete input) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_read_discrete_inputs_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_read_discrete_inputs_response_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterReadDiscreteInputsResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read discrete inputs.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_master_read_discrete_inputs_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<bool, ModbusMasterReadDiscreteInputsResponseResult, ModbusMasterReadDiscreteInputsResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read discrete inputs.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn get_modbus_slave_read_input_registers_request_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusSlaveReadInputRegistersRequestEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read input registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first input register and the number of input registers to be read as received by the request. The number of the first input register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a input register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 3 (for input register) is omitted.

To send a response of this request use modbus_slave_answer_read_input_registers_request.

pub fn get_modbus_master_read_input_registers_response_low_level_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingCallbackReceiver<ModbusMasterReadInputRegistersResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read input registers.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

Important traits for ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<PayloadT, ResultT, T>
pub fn get_modbus_master_read_input_registers_response_callback_receiver(
) -> ConvertingHighLevelCallbackReceiver<u16, ModbusMasterReadInputRegistersResponseResult, ModbusMasterReadInputRegistersResponseLowLevelEvent>

This receiver is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read input registers.

The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.

Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn write_low_level(
    message_length: u16,
    message_chunk_offset: u16,
    message_chunk_data: [char; 60]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<WriteLowLevel>

Writes characters to the RS485 interface. The characters can be binary data, ASCII or similar is not necessary.

The return value is the number of characters that were written.

See set_rs485_configuration for configuration possibilities regarding baudrate, parity and so on.

pub fn write(&self, message: &[char]) -> Result<usize, BrickletRecvTimeoutError>[src]

Writes characters to the RS485 interface. The characters can be binary data, ASCII or similar is not necessary.

The return value is the number of characters that were written.

See set_rs485_configuration for configuration possibilities regarding baudrate, parity and so on.

pub fn read_low_level(&self, length: u16) -> ConvertingReceiver<ReadLowLevel>[src]

Returns up to length characters from receive buffer.

Instead of polling with this function, you can also use callbacks. But note that this function will return available data only when the read receiver is disabled. See enable_read_callback and get_read_callback_receiver receiver.

pub fn read(&self, length: u16) -> Result<Vec<char>, BrickletRecvTimeoutError>[src]

Returns up to length characters from receive buffer.

Instead of polling with this function, you can also use callbacks. But note that this function will return available data only when the read receiver is disabled. See enable_read_callback and get_read_callback_receiver receiver.

pub fn enable_read_callback(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Enables the get_read_callback_receiver receiver.

By default the receiver is disabled.

pub fn disable_read_callback(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Disables the get_read_callback_receiver receiver.

By default the receiver is disabled.

pub fn is_read_callback_enabled(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<bool>[src]

Returns true if the get_read_callback_receiver receiver is enabled, false otherwise.

pub fn set_rs485_configuration(
    baudrate: u32,
    parity: u8,
    stopbits: u8,
    wordlength: u8,
    duplex: u8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

Sets the configuration for the RS485 communication. Available options:

  • Baudrate between 100 and 2000000 baud.
  • Parity of none, odd or even.
  • Stopbits can be 1 or 2.
  • Word length of 5 to 8.
  • Half- or Full-Duplex.

The default is: 115200 baud, parity none, 1 stop bit, word length 8, half duplex.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_rs485_configuration(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<Rs485Configuration>[src]

Returns the configuration as set by set_rs485_configuration.

Associated constants:


pub fn set_modbus_configuration(
    slave_address: u8,
    master_request_timeout: u32
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

Sets the configuration for the RS485 Modbus communication. Available options:

  • Slave Address: Address to be used as the Modbus slave address in Modbus slave mode. Valid Modbus slave address range is 1 to 247.
  • Master Request Timeout: Specifies how long the master should wait for a response from a slave in milliseconds when in Modbus master mode.

The default is: Slave Address = 1 and Master Request Timeout = 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

pub fn get_modbus_configuration(
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusConfiguration>

Returns the configuration as set by set_modbus_configuration.

pub fn set_mode(&self, mode: u8) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Sets the mode of the Bricklet in which it operates. Available options are

  • RS485,
  • Modbus Master RTU and
  • Modbus Slave RTU.

The default is: RS485 mode.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_mode(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Returns the configuration as set by set_mode.

Associated constants:


pub fn set_communication_led_config(&self, config: u8) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Sets the communication LED configuration. By default the LED shows RS485 communication traffic by flickering.

You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.

If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is off.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_communication_led_config(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Returns the configuration as set by set_communication_led_config

Associated constants:


pub fn set_error_led_config(&self, config: u8) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Sets the error LED configuration.

By default the error LED turns on if there is any error (see get_error_count_callback_receiver callback). If you call this function with the SHOW ERROR option again, the LED will turn off until the next error occurs.

You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.

If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is off.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_error_led_config(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Returns the configuration as set by set_error_led_config.

Associated constants:


pub fn set_buffer_config(
    send_buffer_size: u16,
    receive_buffer_size: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

Sets the send and receive buffer size in byte. In sum there is 10240 byte (10kb) buffer available and the minimum buffer size is 1024 byte (1kb) for both.

The current buffer content is lost if this function is called.

The send buffer holds data that was given by write and could not be written yet. The receive buffer holds data that is received through RS485 but could not yet be send to the user, either by read or through get_read_callback_receiver receiver.

The default configuration is 5120 byte (5kb) per buffer.

pub fn get_buffer_config(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<BufferConfig>[src]

Returns the buffer configuration as set by set_buffer_config.

pub fn get_buffer_status(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<BufferStatus>[src]

Returns the currently used bytes for the send and received buffer.

See set_buffer_config for buffer size configuration.

pub fn enable_error_count_callback(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Enables the get_error_count_callback_receiver receiver.

By default the receiver is disabled.

pub fn disable_error_count_callback(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Disables the get_error_count_callback_receiver receiver.

By default the receiver is disabled.

pub fn is_error_count_callback_enabled(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<bool>[src]

Returns true if the get_error_count_callback_receiver receiver is enabled, false otherwise.

pub fn get_error_count(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<ErrorCount>[src]

Returns the current number of overrun and parity errors.

pub fn get_modbus_common_error_count(
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusCommonErrorCount>

Returns the current number of errors occurred in Modbus mode.

  • Timeout Error Count: Number of timeouts occurred.
  • Checksum Error Count: Number of failures due to Modbus frame CRC16 checksum mismatch.
  • Frame Too Big Error Count: Number of times frames were rejected because they exceeded maximum Modbus frame size which is 256 bytes.
  • Illegal Function Error Count: Number of errors when an unimplemented or illegal function is requested. This corresponds to Modbus exception code 1.
  • Illegal Data Address Error Count: Number of errors due to invalid data address. This corresponds to Modbus exception code 2.
  • Illegal Data Value Error Count: Number of errors due to invalid data value. This corresponds to Modbus exception code 3.
  • Slave Device Failure Error Count: Number of errors occurred on the slave device which were unrecoverable. This corresponds to Modbus exception code 4.

pub fn modbus_slave_report_exception(
    request_id: u8,
    exception_code: i8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to report a Modbus exception for a Modbus master request.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the request received by the slave.
  • Exception Code: Modbus exception code to report to the Modbus master.

Associated constants:


pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_coils_request_low_level(
    request_id: u8,
    coils_length: u16,
    coils_chunk_offset: u16,
    coils_chunk_data: [bool; 472]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusSlaveAnswerReadCoilsRequestLowLevel>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read coils.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Coils: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_coils_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_coils_request(
    request_id: u8,
    coils: &[bool]
) -> Result<(), BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read coils.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Coils: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_coils_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_read_coils(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    count: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read coils from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 1 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first coil to read. For backwards compatibility reasons this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.
  • Count: Number of coils to read.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_read_coils_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_holding_registers_request_low_level(
    request_id: u8,
    holding_registers_length: u16,
    holding_registers_chunk_offset: u16,
    holding_registers_chunk_data: [u16; 29]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusSlaveAnswerReadHoldingRegistersRequestLowLevel>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read holding registers.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Holding Registers: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_holding_registers_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_holding_registers_request(
    request_id: u8,
    holding_registers: &[u16]
) -> Result<(), BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read holding registers.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Holding Registers: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_holding_registers_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_read_holding_registers(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    count: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read holding registers from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 3 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first holding register to read. For backwards compatibility reasons this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is implicit and must be omitted.
  • Count: Number of holding registers to read.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_read_holding_registers_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_write_single_coil_request(
    request_id: u8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write a single coil.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_write_single_coil_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the arguments of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_write_single_coil(
    slave_address: u8,
    coil_address: u32,
    coil_value: bool
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write a single coil of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 5 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Coil Address: Number of the coil to be written. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.
  • Coil Value: Value to be written.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_single_coil_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_write_single_register_request(
    request_id: u8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write a single register.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID, Register Address and Register Value as provided by the arguments of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_write_single_register(
    slave_address: u8,
    register_address: u32,
    register_value: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write a single holding register of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 6 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Register Address: Number of the holding register to be written. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is implicit and must be omitted.
  • Register Value: Value to be written.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_single_register_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_coils_request(
    request_id: u8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write multiple coils.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_coils_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_write_multiple_coils_low_level(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    coils_length: u16,
    coils_chunk_offset: u16,
    coils_chunk_data: [bool; 440]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteMultipleCoilsLowLevel>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple coils of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 15 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first coil to write. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address.It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_multiple_coils_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_master_write_multiple_coils(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    coils: &[bool]
) -> Result<u8, BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple coils of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 15 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first coil to write. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address.It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_multiple_coils_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_write_multiple_registers_request(
    request_id: u8
) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write multiple registers.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_write_multiple_registers_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_write_multiple_registers_low_level(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    registers_length: u16,
    registers_chunk_offset: u16,
    registers_chunk_data: [u16; 27]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusMasterWriteMultipleRegistersLowLevel>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple registers of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 16 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first holding register to write. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is implicit and must be omitted.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_multiple_registers_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_master_write_multiple_registers(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    registers: &[u16]
) -> Result<u8, BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple registers of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 16 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first holding register to write. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is implicit and must be omitted.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_write_multiple_registers_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_discrete_inputs_request_low_level(
    request_id: u8,
    discrete_inputs_length: u16,
    discrete_inputs_chunk_offset: u16,
    discrete_inputs_chunk_data: [bool; 472]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusSlaveAnswerReadDiscreteInputsRequestLowLevel>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read discrete inputs.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Discrete Inputs: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_discrete_inputs_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_discrete_inputs_request(
    request_id: u8,
    discrete_inputs: &[bool]
) -> Result<(), BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read discrete inputs.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Discrete Inputs: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_discrete_inputs_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_read_discrete_inputs(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    count: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read discrete inputs from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 2 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first discrete input to read. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead a discrete input number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 1 (for discrete input) is implicit and must be omitted.
  • Count: Number of discrete inputs to read.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_read_discrete_inputs_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_input_registers_request_low_level(
    request_id: u8,
    input_registers_length: u16,
    input_registers_chunk_offset: u16,
    input_registers_chunk_data: [u16; 29]
) -> ConvertingReceiver<ModbusSlaveAnswerReadInputRegistersRequestLowLevel>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read input registers.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Input Registers: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_input_registers_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_slave_answer_read_input_registers_request(
    request_id: u8,
    input_registers: &[u16]
) -> Result<(), BrickletRecvTimeoutError>

In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read input registers.

  • Request ID: Request ID of the corresponding request that is being answered.
  • Input Registers: Data that is to be sent to the Modbus master for the corresponding request.

This function must be called from the get_modbus_slave_read_input_registers_request_callback_receiver receiver with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the receiver.

pub fn modbus_master_read_input_registers(
    slave_address: u8,
    starting_address: u32,
    count: u16
) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>

In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read input registers from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 4 request.

  • Slave Address: Address of the target Modbus slave.
  • Starting Address: Number of the first input register to read. For backwards compatibility reasons, this parameter is called Starting Address. It is not an address, but instead an input register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 3 (for input register) is implicit and must be omitted.
  • Count: Number of input registers to read.

Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.

When successful this function will also invoke the get_modbus_master_read_input_registers_response_callback_receiver callback. In this receiver the Request ID provided by the receiver argument must be matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the receiver is indeed for a particular request.

pub fn get_spitfp_error_count(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<SpitfpErrorCount>[src]

Returns the error count for the communication between Brick and Bricklet.

The errors are divided into

  • ACK checksum errors,
  • message checksum errors,
  • framing errors and
  • overflow errors.

The errors counts are for errors that occur on the Bricklet side. All Bricks have a similar function that returns the errors on the Brick side.

pub fn set_bootloader_mode(&self, mode: u8) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Sets the bootloader mode and returns the status after the requested mode change was instigated.

You can change from bootloader mode to firmware mode and vice versa. A change from bootloader mode to firmware mode will only take place if the entry function, device identifier and CRC are present and correct.

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_bootloader_mode(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Returns the current bootloader mode, see set_bootloader_mode.

Associated constants:


pub fn set_write_firmware_pointer(&self, pointer: u32) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Sets the firmware pointer for write_firmware. The pointer has to be increased by chunks of size 64. The data is written to flash every 4 chunks (which equals to one page of size 256).

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

pub fn write_firmware(&self, data: [u8; 64]) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Writes 64 Bytes of firmware at the position as written by set_write_firmware_pointer before. The firmware is written to flash every 4 chunks.

You can only write firmware in bootloader mode.

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

pub fn set_status_led_config(&self, config: u8) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Sets the status LED configuration. By default the LED shows communication traffic between Brick and Bricklet, it flickers once for every 10 received data packets.

You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.

If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is will show heartbeat by default.

Associated constants:


pub fn get_status_led_config(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u8>[src]

Returns the configuration as set by set_status_led_config

Associated constants:


pub fn get_chip_temperature(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<i16>[src]

Returns the temperature in °C as measured inside the microcontroller. The value returned is not the ambient temperature!

The temperature is only proportional to the real temperature and it has bad accuracy. Practically it is only useful as an indicator for temperature changes.

pub fn reset(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Calling this function will reset the Bricklet. All configurations will be lost.

After a reset you have to create new device objects, calling functions on the existing ones will result in undefined behavior!

pub fn write_uid(&self, uid: u32) -> ConvertingReceiver<()>[src]

Writes a new UID into flash. If you want to set a new UID you have to decode the Base58 encoded UID string into an integer first.

We recommend that you use Brick Viewer to change the UID.

pub fn read_uid(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<u32>[src]

Returns the current UID as an integer. Encode as Base58 to get the usual string version.

pub fn get_identity(&self) -> ConvertingReceiver<Identity>[src]

Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.

The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.

The device identifier numbers can be found here. |device_identifier_constant|

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for Rs485Bricklet[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self