Crate tini[][src]

Expand description

tini is a tiny ini-file parsing library

This small library provides basic functions to operate with ini-files.



Read from buffer and get string values

let conf = Ini::from_string(["[search]",
                             "g =",
                             "dd ="].join("\n")).unwrap();

let g: String = conf.get("search", "g").unwrap();
let dd: String = conf.get("search", "dd").unwrap();

assert_eq!(g, "");
assert_eq!(dd, "");

Construct in program and get vectors

let conf = Ini::new().section("floats")
                     .item_vec("consts", &[3.1416, 2.7183])
                     .item_vec("lost", &[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]);

let consts: Vec<f64> = conf.get_vec("floats", "consts").unwrap();
let lost: Vec<i32> = conf.get_vec("integers", "lost").unwrap();

assert_eq!(consts, [3.1416, 2.7183]);
assert_eq!(lost, [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]);


Structure for INI-file data

An iterator over the sections of an ini document

A mutable iterator over the sections of an ini document


Options for possible errors that may arise

Enum for storing one of the possible errors code. The associated value represents the row index where the error occurred.