tin 0.0.4

A tiny one-off static file server that can be used as an alternative to Python's SimpleHTTPServer or http.server.
tin-0.0.4 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: tin-0.3.0

Tin Build Status

A tiny one-off static file server that can be used as an alternative to Python's SimpleHTTPServer or http.server.


Pre-built binaries haven't been made available yet but if you have Rust, you can get it from crates.io via cargo install tin.


You can quickly serve your static site by going to the site's directory and type:

You can also change the port of the server by specifying the -p or --port option, like so: tin -p 8080

If for some reason you want to specify the site directory, you can do: tin -d www/html


This project is GPLv2-licensed.