tin-summer 1.8.1

Command-line tool to find build artifacts and junk on your computer. Shatters records not glass.

The Tin Summer

Build Status

If you do a significant amount of programming, you'll probably end up with build artifacts scattered about. sn is a tool to help you find those artifacts.

sn is also a replacement for du. It has far nicer output, saner commands and defaults, and it even runs faster on big directories thanks to multithreading.


Binary install

The easiest way to install is to download a binary from the releases page.


If your platform doesn't have binaries, get cargo. Then:

 $ cargo install tin-summer

Make sure you are on nightly; otherwise

 $ rustup run nightly cargo install tin-summer

Shell completions

After setting BASH_COMPLETIONS_DIR or FISH_COMPLETIONS_DIR, you can install the bash or fish features like so:

 $ cargo install --features fish tin-summer

Note that this might need to be run as root, depending on your setup.


To list directory and file sizes for the current directory:

$ sn all -f

To get a list of directory sizes concurrently, excluding version control:

 $ sn p --exclude '\.git|\.pijul|_darcs|\.hg'

To get a sorted list of the 12 biggest directories in $DIR:

 $ sn sort $DIR -n12

To search current directory for directories with build artifacts:

 $ sn ar

To look for artifacts or directories containing artifacts that occupy more than 200MB of disk space:

 $ sn ar -t200M


To turn off colorized output:

export CLICOLOR=0

Comparison (or, 100 Things I Hate About du)

Reasons to use du

  • Reads disk usage, not file sizes
  • Optionally dereferences symlinks
  • Slightly faster on small directories
  • Stable and well-supported

Reasons to use sn

  • Faster on large directories
  • Uses regex for exclusions, making it dramatically faster than du when used with the --exclude flag.
  • Defaults to human-readable output
  • Colorized output
  • Nicer help via clap
  • Provides Sorted output
  • Finds build artifacts
  • Reads file sizes, not disk usage
  • Extensible in Rust
  • Benefits from upstream improvements in Rust ecosystem

Benchmark results

| Directory | Tool | Command | Time | | --------- || ---- | ------- | ---- | | Source | sn | sn p | 60.74 ms | | Source | sn | sn a | 99.92 ms | | Source | du | du -hacd2 | 88.28 ms | | Build | sn | sn p| 185.2 ms | | Build | sn | sn a | 271.9 ms | | Build | du | du -hacd2 | 195.5 ms | | Project | sn | sn p | 36.68 ms | | Project | sn | sn a | 42.90 ms | | Project | du | du -hacd2 | 35.53 ms |

These commands are all essentially equivalent in function, except that sn p may use more threads than sn a or du.

Results were obtained using Gabriel Gonzalez's bench tool. "Source" was my programming directory alone, comprising data, source code, and version control; around 600MB total. "Project" was a single polyglot project, plus artifacts; around 1GB total. "Build" was my programming directory, with current projects built; around 4GB total.

Screenshots (alacritty + solarized dark)

The Tin Summer

Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.


Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.

Heuristic for build artifacts

Currently, sn looks for files that either have an extension associated with build artifacts, or executable files that are ignored by version control. It also looks for "build directories", like .stack-work, elm-stuff, etc. and if it finds a configuration file like tweet-hs.cabal, it considers all their contents to be build artifacts.

Languages Supported

The following is a list of languages sn artifacts has been tested with. The intent is to support basically anything, so feel free to open a PR or start an issue.

  • Haskell (incl. GHCJS)
  • rust
  • julia
  • python
  • Elm
  • nim
  • Vimscript
  • Idris
  • Ruby
  • C