timens 0.1.8

Simple and efficient library for timestamp and date manipulation.
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign};
use std::str::from_utf8;

// Same representation as OCaml Core.Date.t, i.e.
// 2 bytes year, 1 byte month, 1 byte day
// https://github.com/janestreet/core_kernel/blob/4244b42cac7d1ba834c93bdeda2e29bc7ecfa9aa/core/src/date0.ml
/// Represents a date.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Date(u32);

#[cfg(feature = "binio")]
mod binio {
    use std::convert::TryFrom;
    impl binprot::BinProtRead for crate::Date {
        fn binprot_read<R>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, binprot::Error>
            R: std::io::Read + ?Sized,
            let year: i64 = binprot::BinProtRead::binprot_read(r)?;
            let year = u32::try_from(year)?;
            let month: crate::Month = binprot::BinProtRead::binprot_read(r)?;
            let day: i64 = binprot::BinProtRead::binprot_read(r)?;
            let day = u8::try_from(day)?;
            match Self::create(year, month, day) {
                Ok(date) => Ok(date),
                Err(err) => Err(binprot::Error::CustomError(Box::new(err))),

    impl binprot::BinProtWrite for crate::Date {
        fn binprot_write<W>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>
            W: std::io::Write,
            binprot::BinProtWrite::binprot_write(&(self.year() as i64), w)?;
            binprot::BinProtWrite::binprot_write(&self.month(), w)?;
            binprot::BinProtWrite::binprot_write(&(self.day() as i64), w)?;

#[cfg(feature = "sexp")]
impl rsexp::UseToString for Date {}

/// Returns whether `year` is a leap year or not.
pub const fn is_leap_year(year: u32) -> bool {
    year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum DayOfWeek {

impl DayOfWeek {
    /// Conversion from an int, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
    pub fn of_u8(i: u8) -> Option<DayOfWeek> {
        match i {
            0 => Some(Self::Sun),
            1 => Some(Self::Mon),
            2 => Some(Self::Tue),
            3 => Some(Self::Wed),
            4 => Some(Self::Thu),
            5 => Some(Self::Fri),
            6 => Some(Self::Sat),
            _ => None,

    /// Conversion to an int, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
    pub fn to_u8(self) -> u8 {
        match self {
            Self::Sun => 0,
            Self::Mon => 1,
            Self::Tue => 2,
            Self::Wed => 3,
            Self::Thu => 4,
            Self::Fri => 5,
            Self::Sat => 6,

    /// Returns true for any day except Saturday and Sunday.
    pub fn is_weekday(self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Self::Mon | Self::Tue | Self::Wed | Self::Thu | Self::Fri => true,
            Self::Sat | Self::Sun => false,

    /// Returns true for Saturday and Sunday.
    pub fn is_weekend(self) -> bool {

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "binio", derive(binprot::macros::BinProtRead, binprot::macros::BinProtWrite))]
pub enum Month {

impl Month {
    /// The number of days for this month in the given year.
    pub const fn days_in_month(self, year: u32) -> u8 {
        match self {
            Self::Jan | Self::Mar | Self::May | Self::Jul | Self::Aug | Self::Oct | Self::Dec => 31,
            Self::Apr | Self::Jun | Self::Sep | Self::Nov => 30,
            Self::Feb => {
                if is_leap_year(year) {
                } else {

    /// Converts to an int, 1 for January, 2 for February, etc.
    pub fn to_u8(self) -> u8 {
        match self {
            Self::Jan => 1,
            Self::Feb => 2,
            Self::Mar => 3,
            Self::Apr => 4,
            Self::May => 5,
            Self::Jun => 6,
            Self::Jul => 7,
            Self::Aug => 8,
            Self::Sep => 9,
            Self::Oct => 10,
            Self::Nov => 11,
            Self::Dec => 12,

    /// Converts from an int, 1 for January, 2 for February, etc.
    pub fn of_u8(m: u8) -> Option<Self> {
        match m {
            1 => Some(Self::Jan),
            2 => Some(Self::Feb),
            3 => Some(Self::Mar),
            4 => Some(Self::Apr),
            5 => Some(Self::May),
            6 => Some(Self::Jun),
            7 => Some(Self::Jul),
            8 => Some(Self::Aug),
            9 => Some(Self::Sep),
            10 => Some(Self::Oct),
            11 => Some(Self::Nov),
            12 => Some(Self::Dec),
            _ => None,

impl std::fmt::Debug for Date {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}", self.year(), self.month_int(), self.day())

impl std::fmt::Display for Date {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DateError {
    InvalidDayForMonth(u32, Month, u8),

impl std::fmt::Display for DateError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

impl std::error::Error for DateError {}

impl Date {
    /// The year for this date.
    pub fn year(self) -> u32 {
        self.0 >> 16

    /// The month for this date as an int, between 1 and 12.
    pub fn month_int(self) -> u8 {
        ((self.0 >> 8) & 255) as u8

    /// The month for this date.
    pub fn month(self) -> Month {
        Month::of_u8(self.month_int()).expect("not a proper month")

    /// The day of the month for this date, as an int between 1 and 31.
    pub fn day(self) -> u8 {
        (self.0 & 255) as u8

    /// Create a date based on a year, a month, and a day.
    pub const fn create(year: u32, month: Month, day: u8) -> Result<Self, DateError> {
        if year > 9999 {
            return Err(DateError::InvalidYear(year));
        if day == 0 || day > month.days_in_month(year) {
            return Err(DateError::InvalidDayForMonth(year, month, day));
        let month_as_int = match month {
            Month::Jan => 1,
            Month::Feb => 2,
            Month::Mar => 3,
            Month::Apr => 4,
            Month::May => 5,
            Month::Jun => 6,
            Month::Jul => 7,
            Month::Aug => 8,
            Month::Sep => 9,
            Month::Oct => 10,
            Month::Nov => 11,
            Month::Dec => 12,
        Ok(Date((year << 16) | (month_as_int << 8) | day as u32))

    /// String representation for the current date, e.g. "2021-01-16".
    pub fn to_string_iso8601_extended(self) -> String {

    /// String representation for the current date, e.g. "20210116".
    pub fn to_string_iso8601_basic(self) -> String {
        format!("{:04}{:02}{:02}", self.year(), self.month_int(), self.day())

    /// String representation for the current date, e.g. "01/16/2021".
    pub fn to_string_american(self) -> String {
        format!("{:02}/{:02}/{:04}", self.month_int(), self.day(), self.year())

    pub const UNIX_EPOCH: Self = match Self::create(1970, Month::Jan, 1) {
        Ok(date) => date,
        Err(_) => {
            /* Panic here when const panics are stable. */

    /// Add a number of days to this date.
    pub fn add_days(self, n: i32) -> Self {
        self + n

    /// Add some number of months to a date.
    /// This returns the date with the last day of the month in the case where the
    /// actual date would be invalid, e.g. adding a month to Jan 31 results in Feb 28
    /// or Feb 29 depending on whether it's a leap year or not.
    pub fn add_months(self, m: i32) -> Self {
        let total_months = self.month_int() as i32 + m;
        let diff_y = if total_months < 0 { (total_months + 1) / 12 - 1 } else { total_months / 12 };
        let y = (self.year() as i32 + diff_y) as u32;
        let m = total_months % 12;
        let (y, m) = match m.cmp(&0) {
            std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => (y - 1, 12),
            std::cmp::Ordering::Less => (y, m + 12),
            std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => (y, m),
        let m = Month::of_u8(m as u8).unwrap();
        let mut d = self.day();
        loop {
            if let Ok(date) = Self::create(y, m, d) {
                return date;
            d -= 1;

    /// Add some number of years to a date.
    /// If the returned day would not exist (e.g. Feb 28), the last day of the
    /// target month is returned.
    pub fn add_years(self, y: i32) -> Self {
        self.add_months(y * 12)

    const DAYOFWEEK_TABLE: [i32; 12] = [0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4];

    /// The day of the week for this date.
    pub fn day_of_week(self) -> DayOfWeek {
        let m = self.month_int();
        let y = if m < 3 { self.year() - 1 } else { self.year() };
        let y = y as i32;
        let d = (y + y / 4 - y / 100
            + y / 400
            + Self::DAYOFWEEK_TABLE[(m - 1) as usize]
            + self.day() as i32)
            % 7;
        DayOfWeek::of_u8(d as u8).unwrap()

    /// The number of days since epoch (1970-01-01).
    pub fn of_days_since_epoch(d: i32) -> Self {
        Self::UNIX_EPOCH + d

    /// The current date in the given timezone, this calls Time::now.
    pub fn today(tz: crate::Tz) -> Self {

    pub fn is_weekday(self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_weekend(self) -> bool {

    fn round_step_to_business_day<F>(self, is_business_day: F, step: i32) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        let mut current = self;
        loop {
            if is_business_day(current) {
                return current;
            current += step

    /// Rounds the date to the next value that satisfies is_business_day if it
    /// is not already a business day.
    pub fn round_forward_to_business_day<F>(self, is_business_day: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        self.round_step_to_business_day(is_business_day, 1)

    /// Rounds the date to the previous value that satisfies is_business_day if it
    /// is not already a business day.
    pub fn round_backward_to_business_day<F>(self, is_business_day: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        self.round_step_to_business_day(is_business_day, -1)

    fn add_business_days_no_rounding<F>(self, days: i64, is_business_day: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        let mut current = self;
        let step = if days >= 0 { 1 } else { -1 };
        let mut days = days.abs();
        loop {
            if is_business_day(current) {
                if days == 0 {
                    return current;
                days -= 1;
            current += step;

    /// First rounds the given date backward to the previous business day as
    /// defined by F if it does not already satisfy it.  Then advances by the
    /// given number of business days which may be negative.
    pub fn add_business_days_rounding_backward<F>(self, days: i64, is_business_day: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
            .add_business_days_no_rounding(days, &is_business_day)

    /// First rounds the given date forward to the next business day as defined
    /// by F if it does not already satisfy it.  Then advances by the given number
    /// of business days which may be negative.
    pub fn add_business_days_rounding_forward<F>(self, days: i64, is_business_day: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
            .add_business_days_no_rounding(days, &is_business_day)

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Days(i32);

impl Days {
    fn of_year(y: i32) -> Self {
        Days(365 * y + y / 4 + y / 400 - y / 100)

    pub fn of_date(date: Date) -> Days {
        let m = (date.month_int() as i32 + 9) % 12;
        let y = date.year() as i32 - m / 10;
        Days(Self::of_year(y).0 + (((m * 306) + 5) / 10) + date.day() as i32 - 1)

    pub fn to_date(self) -> Result<Date, DateError> {
        let y = ((self.0 as i64 * 10_000 + 14_780) / 3_652_425) as i32;
        let ddd = self.0 - Self::of_year(y).0;
        let (y, ddd) = if ddd < 0 {
            let y = y - 1;
            (y, self.0 - Self::of_year(y).0)
        } else {
            (y, ddd)
        let mi = ((100 * ddd) + 52) / 3_060;
        let y = y + ((mi + 2) / 12);
        let m = ((mi + 2) % 12) + 1;
        let d = ddd - (((mi * 306) + 5) / 10) + 1;
        Date::create(y as u32, Month::of_u8(m as u8).unwrap(), d as u8)

    pub fn day_of_week(self) -> DayOfWeek {
        DayOfWeek::of_u8(((self.0 + 3) % 7) as u8).unwrap()

    pub fn is_weekday(self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_weekend(self) -> bool {

impl std::fmt::Debug for Days {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self.to_date() {
            Ok(date) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&date, f),
            Err(err) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&err, f),

impl std::fmt::Display for Days {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)

impl std::convert::From<std::num::ParseIntError> for DateError {
    fn from(_: std::num::ParseIntError) -> Self {

impl std::str::FromStr for Date {
    type Err = DateError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        let s = s.as_bytes();
        let (y_offset, m_offset, d_offset) = match s.len() {
            8 => (0, 4, 6),
            10 if s[4] == b'-' && s[7] == b'-' || s[4] == b'/' && s[7] == b'/' => (0, 5, 8),
            _ => return Err(DateError::ParseError),
        let y = from_utf8(&s[y_offset..y_offset + 4]).map_err(|_| DateError::ParseError)?;
        let m = from_utf8(&s[m_offset..m_offset + 2]).map_err(|_| DateError::ParseError)?;
        let d = from_utf8(&s[d_offset..d_offset + 2]).map_err(|_| DateError::ParseError)?;
        let y = u32::from_str(y)?;
        let d = u8::from_str(d)?;
        match Month::of_u8(u8::from_str(m)?) {
            Some(m) => Date::create(y, m, d),
            None => Err(DateError::ParseMonthError),

impl Add<i32> for Days {
    type Output = Days;

    fn add(self, other: i32) -> Self::Output {
        Self(self.0 + other)

impl AddAssign<i32> for Days {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: i32) {
        self.0 += other

impl Sub<i32> for Days {
    type Output = Days;

    fn sub(self, other: i32) -> Self::Output {
        Self(self.0 - other)

impl SubAssign<i32> for Days {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: i32) {
        self.0 -= other

impl Sub for Days {
    type Output = i32;

    fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
        self.0 - other.0

impl Add<i32> for Date {
    type Output = Date;

    fn add(self, other: i32) -> Self::Output {
        let days = Days::of_date(self);
        (days + other).to_date().unwrap()

impl AddAssign<i32> for Date {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: i32) {
        *self = *self + other

impl Sub<i32> for Date {
    type Output = Date;

    fn sub(self, other: i32) -> Self::Output {
        let days = Days::of_date(self);
        (days - other).to_date().unwrap()

impl SubAssign<i32> for Date {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: i32) {
        *self = *self - other

impl Sub for Date {
    type Output = i32;

    fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
        Days::of_date(self) - Days::of_date(other)

pub struct DatesBetween {
    current_day: Days,
    last_day: Days,

impl Iterator for DatesBetween {
    type Item = Date;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.current_day <= self.last_day {
            let res = self.current_day.to_date().unwrap();
            self.current_day += 1;
        } else {

impl Date {
    /// Lists all the dates between two dates (inclusive).
    pub fn dates_between(lo: Self, up: Self) -> DatesBetween {
        DatesBetween { current_day: Days::of_date(lo), last_day: Days::of_date(up) }

    /// Lists all the dates from the `self` date until `up` (inclusive).
    pub fn dates_until(self, up: Self) -> DatesBetween {
        Self::dates_between(self, up)

pub struct WeekdaysBetween {
    current_day: Days,
    last_day: Days,

impl Iterator for WeekdaysBetween {
    type Item = Date;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        while self.current_day <= self.last_day {
            if self.current_day.is_weekday() {
                let res = self.current_day.to_date().unwrap();
                self.current_day += 1;
                return Some(res);
            self.current_day += 1;

impl Date {
    /// Lists all the weekdays between two dates (inclusive).
    pub fn weekdays_between(lo: Self, up: Self) -> WeekdaysBetween {
        WeekdaysBetween { current_day: Days::of_date(lo), last_day: Days::of_date(up) }

    /// Lists all the weekdays from the `self` date until `up` (inclusive).
    pub fn weekdays_until(self, up: Self) -> WeekdaysBetween {
        Self::weekdays_between(self, up)

pub struct BusinessDaysBetween<F: Fn(Date) -> bool> {
    current_date: Date,
    last_date: Date,
    is_business_day: F,

impl<T: Fn(Date) -> bool> Iterator for BusinessDaysBetween<T> {
    type Item = Date;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        while self.current_date <= self.last_date {
            if (self.is_business_day)(self.current_date) {
                let res = self.current_date;
                self.current_date += 1;
                return Some(res);
            self.current_date += 1;

impl Date {
    /// Lists all the business days between two dates (inclusive).
    pub fn business_days_between<F>(
        lo: Self,
        up: Self,
        is_business_day: F,
    ) -> BusinessDaysBetween<F>
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        BusinessDaysBetween { current_date: lo, last_date: up, is_business_day }

    /// Lists all the business days from the `self` date until `up` (inclusive).
    pub fn business_days_until<F>(self, up: Self, is_business_day: F) -> BusinessDaysBetween<F>
        F: Fn(Self) -> bool,
        Self::business_days_between(self, up, is_business_day)

impl From<u32> for Date {
    fn from(value: u32) -> Self {

impl From<Date> for u32 {
    fn from(value: Date) -> Self {