thruster-core 0.7.7

The core pieces of the thruster web framework
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt::{self, Write};
use std::str;

use time::{self, Duration};

pub struct Now(());

/// Returns a struct, which when formatted, renders an appropriate `Date` header
/// value.
pub fn now() -> Now {

// Gee Alex, doesn't this seem like premature optimization. Well you see there
// Billy, you're absolutely correct! If your server is *bottlenecked* on
// rendering the `Date` header, well then boy do I have news for you, you don't
// need this optimization.
// In all seriousness, though, a simple "hello world" benchmark which just sends
// back literally "hello world" with standard headers actually is bottlenecked
// on rendering a date into a byte buffer. Since it was at the top of a profile,
// and this was done for some competitive benchmarks, this module was written.
// Just to be clear, though, I was not intending on doing this because it really
// does seem kinda absurd, but it was done by someone else [1], so I blame them!
// :)
// [1]:

struct LastRenderedNow {
    bytes: [u8; 128],
    amt: usize,
    next_update: time::Timespec,

thread_local!(static LAST: RefCell<LastRenderedNow> = RefCell::new(LastRenderedNow {
    bytes: [0; 128],
    amt: 0,
    next_update: time::Timespec::new(0, 0),

impl fmt::Display for Now {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        LAST.with(|cache| {
            let mut cache = cache.borrow_mut();
            let now = time::get_time();
            if now > cache.next_update {

impl LastRenderedNow {
    fn buffer(&self) -> &str {

    fn update(&mut self, now: time::Timespec) {
        self.amt = 0;
        write!(LocalBuffer(self), "{}", time::at(now).rfc822()).unwrap();
        self.next_update = now + Duration::seconds(1);
        self.next_update.nsec = 0;

struct LocalBuffer<'a>(&'a mut LastRenderedNow);

impl<'a> fmt::Write for LocalBuffer<'a> {
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
        let start = self.0.amt;
        let end = start + s.len();
        self.0.amt += s.len();