throne 0.3.0

Game scripting language for rapid prototyping and story logic
# throne



A game scripting language for rapid prototyping and story logic:

// declare initial state as 'phrases', one phrase per line
money 70

// define rules of the format: INPUT = OUTPUT
happy . money X . > X 50 . - X 50 Y = sad . money Y

// final state will be:
//   sad
//   money 20

Rules are of the format `INPUT = OUTPUT`, where `INPUT` and `OUTPUT` are lists that use period (`.`) as a separator between items:
- `INPUT` is a list of one or more conditions that must pass for the rule to be executed. The conditions can either be state phrases that must exist or predicates (such as `>`) that must evaluate to true. Any matching state phrases are consumed by the rule on execution.
- `OUTPUT` is a list of state phrases that will be generated by the rule if it is executed.
- Identifiers that use capital letters (`X` and `Y` in the snippet above) are variables that will be assigned when the rule is executed.

Evaluating a throne script involves executing any rule that matches the current state until the set of matching rules is exhausted. Rules are executed in a random order and may be executed more than once.

### Examples
- [blocks]examples/blocks.throne: a simple tile matching game
- Used in [Urban Gift]

### Design
Strongly influenced by