threepm 0.2.0

Rust bindings and high-level interface abstraction for ThreePM - a fixed-point MP3 decoding library written in C
# ThreePM-rs
Rust bindings for [ThreePM](ffi/ThreePM/ - a fixed-point MP3 decoding library written in C.

It supports decoding all MP3 CBR files. VBR is not currently supported.

### Usage

Add `threepm` to your Cargo.toml
cargo add threepm

If you are running on a target where access to flash is slow (eg RP2040), you can try enabling the `code-in-ram` feature for more performance.
cargo add threepm --features threepm/code-in-ram

This uses linker tricks to put some performance critical code in RAM - note this does not work on all targets, and GCC will issue a few warnings during linking about symbols it doesn't think should live in RAM.

### Build

This crate will compile ThreePM as part of the build process - this means you need to tell Rust about your C compiler!
With a cortex-m target, it is sufficient to have an `arm-none-eabi-` toolchain on your path as this is the target default.
With a riscv target, you also need to have an environment variable exposing the C compiler name.
For or
CC=riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc cargo run --release
or for the xPack riscv gcc toolchain
CC=riscv-none-elf-gcc cargo run --release

### Develop

If you update or add to the interface of ThreePM you will need to update the Rust bindings.
To do so, install bindgen-cli and run `./ffi/` from the root of this project.

### Test

For testing this library, I recommend the test samples available at  
The examples in the `examples` path of project are already configured to run against a short 2 channel example from the espressif audio samples page.
You can grab this sample by running the following command from the root of this project if you have `wget` installed:  

### License
ThreePM is [RPSL-1.0](ffi/ThreePM/src/RPSL.txt) licensed  
ThreePM-rs is [MIT](MIT) licensed