three-d 0.7.2

A renderer which compiles to both desktop (OpenGL) and web (WebAssembly + WebGL).
# `three-d`

[![Continuous integration](](
[![MIT licensed](](

### What is it?

A 3D renderer which enables out-of-the-box build to both desktop (Rust + OpenGL) and web
(Rust to WebAssembly + WebGL2).
This makes it possible to develop a 3D application on desktop and easily deploy it on web!

### Supported browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari (Safari requires enabling the "WebGL 2.0" experimental feature).

### Examples

Several examples covering most features can be found [here for this release]( and [here for the latest in development]( The examples from the latest release are also live at [](
Take a look at the [triangle example]( for a gentle introduction.

![Statues example](
![Lighting example](
![Spider example](

### Features

| Feature           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |               Examples               |       `[features]`       |
| :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------: | :----------------------: |
| Context           | Thin and low-level graphics abstraction layer which maps one-to-one with the OpenGL/WebGL2 graphics APIs.                                                                                                                         |                                      |
| Graphics concepts | Modular abstractions of common graphics concepts such as buffer, texture, program and render target.                                                                                                                              |
| Camera            | Orthographic and perspective camera which has functionality for navigation and frustum culling queries.                                                                                                                           | [Mandelbrot], [Statues], [Fireworks] |
| Light             | Light definitions which is put in a uniform buffer. Currently implemented light types are ambient light, directional light, spot light and point light. Directional and spot lights has functionality for shadow mapping.         |  [Statues], [Lighting], [Wireframe]  |
| Mesh              | A triangle mesh object with fixed vertex shader and customizable fragment shader for customizable lighting. Supports rendering the depth and also with a fixed color and with a texture (ie. no lighting).                        |       [Triangle], [Mandelbrot]       |
| Instanced mesh    | Similar to Mesh, except it is possible to draw many instances of the same triangle mesh efficiently.                                                                                                                              |  [Wireframe], [Fireworks], [Forest]  |
| Skybox            | An illusion of a sky.                                                                                                                                                                                                             |           [Texture], [Fog]           |
| Particles         | Particle effect with fixed vertex shader and customizable fragment shader.                                                                                                                                                        |             [Fireworks]              |
| Imposters         | A level-of-detail technique to replace rendering high-poly meshes at a distance. A mesh is rendered from different angles into a set of textures and the textures are then rendered continuously instead of the high-poly meshes. |               [Forest]               |
| Image effect      | A customizable effect applied to each pixel of a render target, for example fog or anti-aliasing.                                                                                                                                 |                [Fog]                 |
| Phong renderer    | Rendering functionality based on the phong reflection model supporting a performance-limited amount of directional, point and spot lights with shadows.                                                                           |  [Statues], [Lighting], [Wireframe]  |     `phong-renderer`     |
| Runtime loading   | Loading any type of asset runtime on both desktop and web.                                                                                                                                                                        |    [Statues], [Forest], [Texture]    |
| 3D model parsers  | Built-in parsers for .obj (using the [wavefront-obj] crate) and .3d files (a custom format).                                                                                      |    [Statues], [Forest], [Texture]    |     `3d-io` `obj-io`     |
| Image parsers     | Most image formats are supported (using the [image] crate).                                                                                                                               |         [Texture], [Statues]         |        `image-io`        |
| GUI               | Immidiate mode GUI support using the [egui] crate.                                                                                                                                                 |              [Lighting]              |        `egui-gui`        |
| Window            | Default windows for easy setup and event handling. Currently [glutin] for cross-platform desktop and canvas for web.                                                                     |                [All]                 | `glutin-window` `canvas` |

It is always possible to combine features, for example rendering particles followed by direct calls to the graphics context.

### Build

#### Desktop:

Build and run an example, in this case 'triangle':

$ cargo run --example triangle --release

#### Web:

- A server that properly defines the `application/wasm` mime type (for example [http-server]
- [wasm-pack]

Build and generate web output (webassembly, javascript and html files) into the pkg folder:

$ wasm-pack build examples/triangle --target web --out-name web --out-dir ../../pkg

Start the server and go to http://localhost:8080 in a browser:

$ http-server

### Other

Feature requests and bug reports are more than welcome, just open an issue or start a discussion. Contributions are highly appreciated, please feel free to reach out or simply create a pull request.
