Module three_d::io

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Contains functionality to load any type of asset runtime on both desktop and web as well as parsers for different image and 3D model formats. Also includes functionality to save data which is limited to desktop.


Contains the resources loaded using the Loader and/or manually inserted using the insert_bytes method. Use the remove_bytes or get_bytes function to extract the raw byte array for the loaded resource or one of the other methods to both extract and deserialize a loaded resource.

Functionality for loading any type of resource runtime on both desktop and web.

Convenience functionality to load some resources and, when loaded, use them to create one or more objects (for example a 3D model, a skybox, a texture etc). To get the loaded object, use the borrow() or borrow_mut() methods which returns Some reference to the object if loaded and None otherwise.

Functionality for saving resources. Only available on desktop at the moment.


Error from the io module.


Deserialize the 6 images given as byte arrays into a CPUTextureCube using the image crate. The CPUTextureCube can then be used to create a TextureCubeMap.

Deserialize the given bytes representing a hdr image into a CPUTexture using the image crate. The CPUTexture can then be used to create a Texture2D or a TextureCubeMap using the new_from_equirectangular method. Supported formats: HDR.

Deserialize the given bytes representing an image into a CPUTexture using the image crate. The CPUTexture can then be used to create a Texture2D. Supported formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, pnm (pbm, pgm, ppm and pam), TIFF, DDS, BMP, ICO, HDR, farbfeld. Note: If the image contains and you want to load high dynamic range (hdr) information, use hdr_image_from_bytes instead.