[][src]Function thread_io::read::reader

pub fn reader<R, F, O, E>(
    bufsize: usize,
    queuelen: usize,
    reader: R,
    func: F
) -> Result<O, E> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut Reader) -> Result<O, E>,
    R: Read + Send,
    E: Send

Sends reader to a background thread and provides a reader in the main thread, which obtains data from the background reader.

The background reader fills buffers of a given size (bufsize) and submits them to the main thread through a channel. The queue length of the channel can be configured using the queuelen parameter (must be ≥ 1). As a consequence, errors will not be returned immediately, but after some delay. The reader in the background thread will stop if an error occurs, except for errors of kind io::ErrorKind::Interrupted. In this case, reading continues in the background, but the error is still returned.


use thread_io::read::reader;
use std::io::Read;

let text = b"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
let mut target = vec![];

reader(16, 2, &text[..], |rdr| {
    rdr.read_to_end(&mut target)
}).expect("read failed");

assert_eq!(target.as_slice(), &text[..]);