thorium 0.1.4

Lokathor does stuff, ium

License:0BSD AppVeyor


Lokathor does stuff, ium.

This repo isn't about any particular thing right now. It's just about doing some exploratory coding to try out new stuff.

Segment Complete

So far we've got:

  • A Win32 platform layer for our "game" based on the Handmade Hero platform layer from the first 23 days of that series.
  • The platform can save state and load state.
  • The platform can record input and play it back. The start of input recording automatically triggers a save state, and the end of input recording automatically triggers a load state and input playback. When an input playback is complete it will automatically load the state and loop the replay until you manually cancel the replay loop.
  • The platform layer can detect when the library is recompiled and automatically switch to running on the new code. This combines quite well with the input playback, allowing you to tune code and watch it play out differently. You can't change data layout while the game is running like this, but you can tune the game details.

Check out the the book to get a lot more detail about where we've been so far.

The Future

If you wanna see where we're going you should check the issue tracker, which is where I've written down notes about things I might wanna do. I'm easily distracted, so we might do something else at any time.


This crate is released under the Zero-Clause BSD license, and any contributions of yours must be under the same license. It's similar to the MIT license but with even fewer restrictions.