Derive Macro thirtyfour::components::Component

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derive macro for a wrapped Component.

A Component contains a base WebElement from which all element queries will be performed.

All elements in the component are descendents of the base element (or at least the starting point for an element query, since XPath queries can access parent nodes).

Components perform element lookups via ElementResolvers, which lazily perform an element query to resolve a WebElement, and then cache the result for later access.

See the ElementResolver documentation for more details.



By default the base element should be named base and be of type WebElement. You can optionally use the #[base] attribute if you wish to name the base element something other than base. If you use this attribute you cannot also have another element named base.


Components use the #[by(..)] attribute to specify all of the details of the query.

The only required attribute is the selector attribute, which can be one of the following:

  • id = "...": Select element by id.
  • tag = "...": Select element by tag name.
  • link = "...": Select element by link text.
  • css = "...": Select element by CSS.
  • xpath = "...": Select element by XPath.
  • name = "...": Select element by name.
  • class = "...": Select element by class name.

Optional attributes available within #[by(..)] include:

  • single: (default, single element only) Return NoSuchElement if the number of elements found is != 1.
  • first: (single element only) Select the first element that matches the query. By default a query will return NoSuchElement if multiple elements match. This default is designed to catch instances where a query is not specific enough.
  • not_empty: (default, multi elements only) Return NoSuchElement if no elements were found.
  • allow_empty: (multi elements only) Return an empty Vec if no elements were found. By default a multi-element query will return NoSuchElement if no elements were found.
  • description = "...": Set the element description to be displayed in NoSuchElement errors.
  • allow_errors: Ignore errors such as stale elements while polling.
  • wait(timeout_ms = 10000, interval_ms=500): Override the default polling options.
  • nowait: Turn off polling for this element query.
  • custom = "my_resolve_fn": Use the specified function to resolve the element or component. NOTE: The custom attribute cannot be specified with any other attribute.

See ElementQueryOptions for more details on how each option is used.

§Custom resolver functions

When using custom = "my_resolve_fn", your function signature should look something like this:

async fn my_resolve_fn(elem: &WebElement) -> WebDriverResult<T>

where the T is the same as type T in ElementResolver<T>. Also see the example below.


/// This component shows how to nest components inside others.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component)]
pub struct CheckboxSectionComponent {
    base: WebElement,
    #[by(tag = "label", allow_empty)]
    boxes: ElementResolver<Vec<CheckboxComponent>>,
    // Other fields will be initialised using `Default::default()`.
    my_field: bool,

/// This component shows how to wrap a simple web component.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component)]
pub struct CheckboxComponent {
    base: WebElement,
    #[by(css = "input[type='checkbox']", first)]
    input: ElementResolver<WebElement>,
    #[by(name = "text-label", description = "text label")]
    label: ElementResolver<WebElement>
    #[by(custom = "my_custom_resolve_fn")]
    button: ElementResolver<WebElement>

/// Use this function signature for your custom resolvers.
async fn my_custom_resolve_fn(elem: &WebElement) -> WebDriverResult<WebElement> {
    // Do something with elem.

impl CheckboxComponent {
    /// Return true if the checkbox is ticked.
    pub async fn is_ticked(&self) -> WebDriverResult<bool> {
        // Equivalent to: let elem = self.input.resolve_present().await?;
        let elem = resolve_present!(self.input);
        let prop = elem.prop("checked").await?;
        Ok(prop.unwrap_or_default() == "true")