thetvdb 0.1.0-beta.2

TheTVDB API async client
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

//! This crate provides an async [client] as well as helpful types to request
//! and interact with data from **TheTVDB API V3**.
//! # Examples
//! Search for a series by name:
//! ```no_run
//! # use thetvdb::error::Result;
//! use thetvdb::{Client, params::SearchBy};
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<()> {
//! let client = Client::new("YOUR_API_KEY").await?;
//! let results ="Planet Earth")).await?;
//! println!("{:#?}", results);
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! Get a series by ID:
//! ```no_run
//! # use thetvdb::error::Result;
//! # use thetvdb::Client;
//! #
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<()> {
//! # let client = Client::new("KEY").await?;
//! let series = client.series(318408).await?;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     series.series_name,
//!     Some("Planet Earth II".to_string())
//! );
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! For more examples check [`Client`][client].
//! [client]: ./client/struct.Client.html

mod serialization;
mod urls;

pub mod client;
pub mod error;
pub mod language;
pub mod params;
pub mod response;

pub use client::Client;

mod test_util {
    use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc};

    use crate::error::Error;

    pub fn now_round_seconds() -> DateTime<Utc> {
        Utc.timestamp(Utc::now().timestamp(), 0)

    pub fn wrong_error_kind(expected: Error, got: Error) {
        panic!("Wrong error kind: expected {:?}, got {:?}", expected, got);