thespis_impl 0.2.1

Reference implementation for the thespis actor model
#![ cfg_attr( nightly, feature(doc_cfg) ) ]
#![ doc = include_str!("../") ]

#![ doc    ( html_root_url = "" ) ]
#![ deny   ( missing_docs                                   ) ]
#![ forbid ( unsafe_code                                    ) ]
#![ allow  ( clippy::suspicious_else_formatting             ) ]

#![ warn
	anonymous_parameters          ,
	missing_copy_implementations  ,
	missing_debug_implementations ,
	missing_docs                  ,
	nonstandard_style             ,
	rust_2018_idioms              ,
	single_use_lifetimes          ,
	trivial_casts                 ,
	trivial_numeric_casts         ,
	unreachable_pub               ,
	unused_extern_crates          ,
	unused_qualifications         ,
	variant_size_differences      ,

mod actor_builder ;
mod actor_info    ;
mod addr          ;
mod addr_inner    ;
mod envelope      ;
mod error         ;
mod mailbox       ;
mod rx_strong     ;
mod strong_count  ;
mod weak_addr     ;

pub use
	actor_builder :: * ,
	actor_info    :: * ,
	addr          :: * ,
	error         :: * ,
	mailbox       :: * ,
 	weak_addr     :: * ,

	// Addr::send requires SinkExt, so let's re-export that.
	futures::{ SinkExt },

pub(crate) use
	strong_count ::* ,
	rx_strong    ::* ,

use futures::Sink;

/// Shorthand for a `Send` boxed envelope.
pub type BoxEnvelope<A> = Box< dyn envelope::Envelope<A> + Send >;

/// A boxed error type for the sink
pub type DynError = Box< dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync >;

/// Type of boxed channel sender for Addr.
pub type ChanSender<A> = Box< dyn CloneSink<'static, BoxEnvelope<A>, DynError> >;

/// Type of boxed channel receiver for Mailbox.
pub type ChanReceiver<A> = Box< dyn futures::Stream<Item=BoxEnvelope<A>> + Send + Unpin >;

/// Interface for T: Sink + Clone
pub trait CloneSink<'a, Item, E>: Sink<Item, Error=E> + Unpin + Send
	/// Clone this sink.
	fn clone_sink( &self ) -> Box< dyn CloneSink<'a, Item, E> + 'a >;

impl<'a, T, Item, E> CloneSink<'a, Item, E> for T

	where T: 'a + Sink<Item, Error=E> + Clone + Unpin + Send + ?Sized

	fn clone_sink( &self ) -> Box< dyn CloneSink<'a, Item, E> + 'a >
		Box::new( self.clone() )

// Import module. Avoid * imports here. These are all the foreign names that exist throughout
// the crate. The must all be unique.
// Separate use imports per enabled features.
mod import
	pub(crate) use
		thespis         :: { * } ,
		tracing         :: { trace, debug, error, error_span, Span } ,
		tracing_futures :: { Instrument } ,
		async_executors :: { SpawnHandle, SpawnHandleExt, LocalSpawnHandle, LocalSpawnHandleExt, JoinHandle } ,

		std ::
			fmt                                                          ,
			error   :: { Error                                         } ,
			convert :: { TryFrom                                       } ,
			pin     :: { Pin                                           } ,
			sync    :: { Arc, Mutex, atomic::{ AtomicUsize, Ordering } } ,
			panic   :: { AssertUnwindSafe                              } ,
			task    :: { Context as TaskContext, Poll                  } ,

		futures ::
			stream  :: { Stream, StreamExt                                      } ,
			sink    :: { Sink, SinkExt                                          } ,
			future  :: { FutureExt                                              } ,
			task    :: { Spawn, SpawnExt, LocalSpawn, LocalSpawnExt, SpawnError } ,

		oneshot::{ channel as oneshot, Sender as OneSender } ,