tge 0.0.3

A lightweight cross-platform 2D game framework written in pure Rust and based on OpenGL 3.3+.

TakWolf's Game Engine (tge) License

A lightweight cross-platform 2D game framework written in pure Rust and based on OpenGL 3.3+.

Inspired by LÖVE.

Tge is currently in a very early stage of development. The API may be changed. Until the version to 0.1.0.


  • 2D only and use pixel unit.
  • Hardware-accelerated rendering base on OpenGL.
  • Automatically process rendering batching.
  • Dynamic font rendering with text layout.
  • Interface for handling keyboard, mouse, touch, touchpad and gamepad.
  • Audio play. (TODO)

Non goals

  • 3D.
  • Visual editor.

The following does not contain, but can easily work with other crates:

  • Entity Component System (ECS).
  • Physics engines and collision detection.
  • Network.


Add the dependency line to your Cargo.toml file:

tge = "0.0.3"

To release performance, also add the following configs:

opt-level = 3

Then create a basic template. Here is the minimal example that will create a window:

use tge::prelude::*;

struct App {}

impl App {
    fn new(_: &mut Engine) -> GameResult<Self> {
        // load assets
        Ok(Self {})

impl Game for App {
    fn update(&mut self, _: &mut Engine) -> GameResult {
        // handle logic

    fn render(&mut self, engine: &mut Engine) -> GameResult {;
        // draw sprites

fn main() -> GameResult {
    let mut engine = EngineBuilder::new()
            .title("My Game")
            .inner_size((800.0, 600.0)))
    let mut app = App::new(&mut engine)?; app)

That is!

You can also see the examples/ directory to learn other examples.


See the example bunny_mark and sprites.


The following is working in progress:

  • blend
  • program uniform
  • screenshot
  • virtual assets path
  • assets load async
  • audio
  • document


MIT OR Apache-2.0