text_table 0.0.3

A library to create formatted plain-text tables from arbitrary data.
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Text Table is a library to create formatted plain-text tables from arbitrary data.

NOTE: The API is currently completely unstable, and it will change as I use this library in other projects. Feedback highly appreciated via the issues page or email.


Add text_table to your Cargo.toml:

text_table = "*"


Basic Example

extern crate text_table;
use text_table::Table;

fn main() {
    let mut table = Table::new();
    table.row(("ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "Phone Number"))
         .row((1u, "Tammy", "Bailey", "496-914-5526"))
         .row((2u, "Kathy", "Reynolds",  "092-281-4890"))
         .row((3u, "Edward", "Ramirez",  "940-289-6874"))
         .row((4u, "Robert", "Payne", "295-850-6147"))
         .row((5u, "Roy", "Larson",  "133-661-1680"));
    println!("{}", table.write_to_string());


| ID | First Name | Last Name | Phone Number |
| 1  | Tammy      | Bailey    | 496-914-5526 |
| 2  | Kathy      | Reynolds  | 092-281-4890 |
| 3  | Edward     | Ramirez   | 940-289-6874 |
| 4  | Robert     | Payne     | 295-850-6147 |
| 5  | Roy        | Larson    | 133-661-1680 |
