tetra 0.2.4

A simple 2D game framework written in Rust
//! Tetra is a simple 2D game framework written in Rust. It uses SDL2 for event handling and OpenGL 3.2+ for rendering.
//! **Note that Tetra is still extremely early in development!** It may/will have bugs and missing features (the big one currently being audio playback). That said, you're welcome to give it a go and let me know what you think :)
//! ## Features
//! * XNA/MonoGame-inspired API
//! * Efficient 2D rendering, with draw call batching by default
//! * Simple input handling
//! * Animations/spritesheets
//! * TTF font rendering
//! * Multiple screen scaling algorithms, including pixel-perfect variants (for those chunky retro pixels)
//! * Deterministic game loop, à la [Fix Your Timestep](https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep/)
//! ## Installation
//! To add Tetra to your project, add the following line to your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! tetra = "0.2"
//! ```
//! Tetra currently requires Rust 1.31 or higher.
//! You will also need to install the SDL2 native libraries, as described [here](https://github.com/Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2#user-content-requirements). The 'bundled' and 'static linking' features described can be activated using the `sdl2_bundled` and `sdl2_static_link` Cargo features in Tetra.
//! ## Examples
//! To get a simple window displayed on screen, the following code can be used:
//! ```no_run
//! use tetra::graphics::{self, Color};
//! use tetra::{Context, ContextBuilder, State};
//! struct GameState;
//! impl State for GameState {
//!     fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, _dt: f64) -> tetra::Result {
//!         // Cornflour blue, as is tradition
//!         graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.392, 0.584, 0.929));
//!         Ok(())
//!     }
//! }
//! fn main() -> tetra::Result {
//!     ContextBuilder::new("Hello, world!", 1280, 720)
//!         .build()?
//!         .run(&mut GameState)
//! }
//! ```
//! You can see this example in action by running `cargo run --example hello_world`.
//! The full list of examples available are:
//! * [`hello_world`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/hello_world.rs) - Opens a window and clears it with a solid color.
//! * [`texture`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/texture.rs) - Loads and displays a texture.
//! * [`animation`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/animation.rs) - Displays an animation, made up of regions from a texture.
//! * [`text`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/text.rs) - Displays text using a TTF font.
//! * [`nineslice`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/nineslice.rs) - Slices a texture into nine segments to display a dialog box.
//! * [`keyboard`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/keyboard.rs) - Moves a texture around based on keyboard input.
//! * [`mouse`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/mouse.rs) - Moves a texture around based on mouse input.
//! * [`gamepad`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/gamepad.rs) - Displays the input from a connected gamepad.
//! * [`text_input`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/text_input.rs) - Displays text as it is typed in by the player.
//! * [`scaling`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/scaling.rs) - Demonstrates the different screen scaling algorithms.
//! * [`tetras`](https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/tetras.rs) - A full example game (which is entirely legally distinct from a certain other block-based puzzle game *cough*).
//! ## Support/Feedback
//! As mentioned above, Tetra is fairly early in development, so there's likely to be bugs/flaky docs/general weirdness. Please feel free to leave an issue/PR if you find something!
//! You can also contact me via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/17cupsofcoffee), or find me lurking in the #gamedev channel on the [Rust Community Discord](https://bit.ly/rust-community).


pub use glm;
pub mod error;
pub mod graphics;
pub mod input;
pub mod time;
pub mod window;

use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

use sdl2::event::{Event, WindowEvent};
use sdl2::video::{FullscreenType, GLProfile, Window};
use sdl2::Sdl;

pub use crate::error::{Result, TetraError};
use crate::graphics::opengl::GLDevice;
use crate::graphics::GraphicsContext;
use crate::graphics::ScreenScaling;
use crate::input::InputContext;

/// A trait representing a type that contains game state and provides logic for updating it
/// and drawing it to the screen. This is where you'll write your game logic!
/// The methods on `State` allow you to return a `Result`, either explicitly or via the `?`
/// operator. If an error is returned, the game will close and the error will be returned from
/// the `run` function that was used to start it.
pub trait State {
    /// Called when it is time for the game to update, at the interval specified by the context's
    /// tick rate.
    /// The game will update at a fixed time step (defaulting to 60fps), and draw as fast as it is
    /// allowed to (depending on CPU/vsync settings). This allows for deterministic updates even at
    /// varying framerates, but may require you to do some interpolation in the `draw` method in
    /// order to make things look smooth.
    /// See [Fix Your Timestep](https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep/) for more info.
    fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result {

    /// Called when it is time for the game to be drawn.
    /// As drawing will not necessarily be in step with updating, the `dt` argument is provided -
    /// this will be a number between 0 and 1, specifying how far through the current tick you are.
    /// For example, if the player is meant to move 16 pixels per frame, and the current `dt` is 0.5,
    /// you should draw them 8 pixels along.
    fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, dt: f64) -> Result {

/// A struct containing all of the 'global' state within the framework.
pub struct Context {
    sdl: Sdl,
    window: Window,
    gl: GLDevice,
    graphics: GraphicsContext,
    input: InputContext,

    window_width: i32,
    window_height: i32,
    fullscreen: bool,
    running: bool,
    quit_on_escape: bool,
    tick_rate: Duration,

impl Context {
    /// Runs the game using the provided `State` implementation.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use tetra::{Context, ContextBuilder, State};
    /// #
    /// struct GameState;
    /// impl State for GameState { }
    /// fn main() -> tetra::Result {
    ///    ContextBuilder::default().build()?.run(&mut GameState)
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn run<S>(&mut self, state: &mut S) -> Result
        S: State,

        let mut events = self.sdl.event_pump().map_err(TetraError::Sdl)?;

        let mut last_time = Instant::now();
        let mut lag = Duration::from_secs(0);

        self.running = true;

        while self.running {
            let current_time = Instant::now();
            let elapsed = current_time - last_time;
            last_time = current_time;
            lag += elapsed;

            for event in events.poll_iter() {
                if let Err(e) = self
                    .and_then(|event| input::handle_event(self, event))
                    self.running = false;
                    return Err(e);

            while lag >= self.tick_rate {
                if let Err(e) = state.update(self) {
                    self.running = false;
                    return Err(e);

                lag -= self.tick_rate;

            let dt = time::duration_to_f64(lag) / time::duration_to_f64(self.tick_rate);

            if let Err(e) = state.draw(self, dt) {
                self.running = false;
                return Err(e);





    /// Constructs an implementation of `State` using the given closure, and then runs it.
    /// This is mainly handy when chaining methods, as it allows you to call your `State` constructor
    /// without breaking the chain.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use tetra::graphics::Texture;
    /// # use tetra::{Context, ContextBuilder, State};
    /// #
    /// struct GameState {
    ///     texture: Texture,
    /// }
    /// impl GameState {
    ///     fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> tetra::Result<GameState> {
    ///         Ok(GameState {
    ///             texture: Texture::new(ctx, "./examples/resources/player.png")?,
    ///         })
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// impl State for GameState { }
    /// fn main() -> tetra::Result {
    ///    ContextBuilder::default().build()?.run_with(GameState::new)
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn run_with<S, F>(&mut self, init: F) -> Result
        S: State,
        F: FnOnce(&mut Context) -> Result<S>,
        let state = &mut init(self)?;

    fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> Result<Event> {
        match event {
            Event::Quit { .. } => self.running = false, // TODO: Add a way to override this
            Event::Window { win_event, .. } => {
                if let WindowEvent::SizeChanged(x, y) = win_event {
                    window::set_size_ex(self, x, y, true)
            _ => {}


/// Creates a new `Context` based on the provided options.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ContextBuilder<'a> {
    title: &'a str,
    internal_width: i32,
    internal_height: i32,
    window_size: Option<(i32, i32)>,
    window_scale: Option<i32>,
    scaling: ScreenScaling,
    vsync: bool,
    tick_rate: f64,
    fullscreen: bool,
    maximized: bool,
    minimized: bool,
    resizable: bool,
    borderless: bool,
    show_mouse: bool,
    quit_on_escape: bool,

impl<'a> ContextBuilder<'a> {
    /// Creates a new ContextBuilder.
    pub fn new(title: &'a str, width: i32, height: i32) -> ContextBuilder<'a> {
        ContextBuilder {
            internal_width: width,
            internal_height: height,


    /// Sets the title of the window.
    /// Defaults to `"Tetra"`.
    pub fn title(&mut self, title: &'a str) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.title = title;

    /// Sets the internal resolution of the screen.
    /// Defaults to `1280 x 720`.
    pub fn size(&mut self, width: i32, height: i32) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.internal_width = width;
        self.internal_height = height;

    /// Sets the scaling mode for the game.
    /// Defaults to `ScreenScaling::ShowAllPixelPerfect`, which will maintain the screen's aspect ratio
    /// by letterboxing.
    pub fn scaling(&mut self, scaling: ScreenScaling) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.scaling = scaling;

    /// Sets the size of the window.
    /// This only needs to be set if you want the internal resolution of the game
    /// to be different from the window size.
    /// This will take precedence over `window_scale`.
    pub fn window_size(&mut self, width: i32, height: i32) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.window_size = Some((width, height));

    /// Sets the size of the window, as a multiplier of the internal screen size.
    /// This only needs to be set if you want the internal resolution of the game
    /// to be different from the window size.
    /// `window_size` will take precedence over this.
    pub fn window_scale(&mut self, scale: i32) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.window_scale = Some(scale);

    /// Enables or disables vsync.
    /// Defaults to `true`.
    pub fn vsync(&mut self, vsync: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.vsync = vsync;

    /// Sets the game's update tick rate, in ticks per second.
    /// Defaults to `60.0`.
    pub fn tick_rate(&mut self, tick_rate: f64) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.tick_rate = 1.0 / tick_rate;

    /// Sets whether or not the window should start in fullscreen.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn fullscreen(&mut self, fullscreen: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.fullscreen = fullscreen;

    /// Sets whether or not the window should start maximized.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn maximized(&mut self, maximized: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.maximized = maximized;

    /// Sets whether or not the window should start minimized.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn minimized(&mut self, minimized: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.minimized = minimized;

    /// Sets whether or not the window should be resizable.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn resizable(&mut self, resizable: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.resizable = resizable;

    /// Sets whether or not the window should be borderless.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn borderless(&mut self, borderless: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.borderless = borderless;

    /// Sets whether or not the mouse cursor should be visible.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn show_mouse(&mut self, show_mouse: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.show_mouse = show_mouse;

    /// Sets whether or not the game should close when the Escape key is pressed.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn quit_on_escape(&mut self, quit_on_escape: bool) -> &mut ContextBuilder<'a> {
        self.quit_on_escape = quit_on_escape;

    /// Builds the context.
    pub fn build(&self) -> Result<Context> {
        let sdl = sdl2::init().map_err(TetraError::Sdl)?;
        let video = sdl.video().map_err(TetraError::Sdl)?;

        let gl_attr = video.gl_attr();
        gl_attr.set_context_version(3, 2);
        // TODO: Will need to add some more here if we start using the depth/stencil buffers

        let (mut window_width, mut window_height) = if let Some(size) = self.window_size {
        } else if let Some(scale) = self.window_scale {
            (self.internal_width * scale, self.internal_height * scale)
        } else {
            (self.internal_width, self.internal_height)

        let mut window_builder =
            video.window(self.title, window_width as u32, window_height as u32);


        if self.resizable {

        if self.borderless {


        let mut window = window_builder.build()?;

        // We wait until the window has been created to fiddle with this stuff as:
        // a) we don't want to blow away the window size settings
        // b) we don't know what monitor they're on until the window is created

        if self.maximized {
            let size = window.drawable_size();
            window_width = size.0 as i32;
            window_height = size.1 as i32;
        } else if self.minimized {
            let size = window.drawable_size();
            window_width = size.0 as i32;
            window_height = size.1 as i32;

        if self.fullscreen {
                .and_then(|m| {
                    window_width = m.w;
                    window_height = m.h;

        let mut gl = GLDevice::new(&video, &window, self.vsync)?;
        let graphics = GraphicsContext::new(
            &mut gl,
        let input = InputContext::new(&sdl)?;

        Ok(Context {

            fullscreen: self.fullscreen,
            running: false,
            quit_on_escape: self.quit_on_escape,
            tick_rate: time::f64_to_duration(self.tick_rate),

impl<'a> Default for ContextBuilder<'a> {
    fn default() -> ContextBuilder<'a> {
        ContextBuilder {
            title: "Tetra",
            internal_width: 1280,
            internal_height: 720,
            window_size: None,
            window_scale: None,
            scaling: ScreenScaling::ShowAllPixelPerfect,
            vsync: true,
            tick_rate: 1.0 / 60.0,
            fullscreen: false,
            maximized: false,
            minimized: false,
            resizable: false,
            borderless: false,
            show_mouse: false,
            quit_on_escape: false,