tetra 0.1.4

A simple 2D game framework written in Rust
# Changelog

## 0.1.4 (December 8, 2018)

### New Features

* Graphics can now be rotated using the `rotation` method on `DrawParams` ([#24]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/24).

### Bug Fixes

* The calculation of how many elements to render when flushing was broken, which could lead to geometry persisting between frames even when the associated graphic was no longer active.

## 0.1.3 (December 7, 2018)

### New Features

* The `NineSlice` type has been added, allowing you to easily create dialog boxes from small textures ([#23]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/23).
* The window size can now be set explicitly. This will take precedence over the scale setting ([#19]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/19).
* `tetra::error::Result` and `tetra::error::TetraError` are now re-exported in the root of the crate. This allows you to write `tetra::Result` in your function signatures, which aligns a bit better with other custom `Result` types like `io::Result` ([#18]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/18).
* [An example of how to use the `Animation` type has been added]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/blob/master/examples/animation.rs  ([#16]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/16).

## 0.1.2 (December 3, 2018)

### Bug Fixes

* Quick fix to the docs for the mouse button methods.

## 0.1.1 (December 3, 2018)

### New Features

* Functions for checking the state of the mouse buttons have been added.
    * `input::is_mouse_button_down`
    * `input::is_mouse_button_up`
    * `input::is_mouse_button_pressed`
    * `input::is_mouse_button_released`

### Bug Fixes

* Scaling is now applied relative to the origin ([#12]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/12).
* Mouse positions now take into account letterboxing ([#13]https://github.com/17cupsofcoffee/tetra/issues/13).
* Various fixes to the documentation and crate metadata.

## 0.1.0 (December 2, 2018)

Initial release!