testcontainers 0.13.0

A library for integration-testing against docker containers from within Rust.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

## [0.13.0] - 2022-04-04

### Added

- A new client implementation that talks to the Docker daemon via **HTTP**.
  This implementation is available as `testcontainers::clients::Http` and provides an **async** interface.
  As of now, this implementation is guarded behind the `experimental` feature-flag and not yet guaranteed to work flawlessly.
- Allow using `podman` CLI in addition to `docker`
- The `TESTCONTAINERS` environment variable to control what happens to containers and networks at the end of a test.
  The default value is `remove` which deletes all containers and networks that were used in the test.
  By setting the value to `keep`, containers and networks will not be deleted but kept **running**.
  You will have to **stop** and **delete** those yourself eventually.
- Upgrade default bitcoin-core image version to 0.21.0. This allows us to remove `-debug` for bitcoind and replace it with
  `-startupnotify=echo ...`. More details on bitcoind 0.21.0 can be found [here]https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.21.0.md.
  Note: This release also removed the default wallet.
- `expose_port` functionality to `Image` trait.
- `Google Cloud SDK` image
- `RabbitMQ` image
- `WaitFor::Healthcheck` container ready condition, which corresponds with the [healthcheck]https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck status.
- `MinIO` image

### Changed

- How images express when a container is ready: Instead of implementing `wait_until_ready`, images now need to implement `ready_conditions` which returns a list of `WaitFor` instances.
- Return value of `get_host_port` from `Option<u16>` to `u16`.
  If the port cannot be resolved, this function will now **panic**.
- MSRV bumped to 1.46.
- Make `Docker` trait `pub(crate)`.
  This reduces the API surface of the crate which allows for fewer breaking changes in the future.
  All functionality from `Docker` (start, stop, rm, and ports) is available on a container directly.
- `descriptor` is broken down into `name` and `tag` within `Image` trait.
- Bump `MongoDB`-image default version to `5.0.6`.

### Removed

- `DYNAMODB_ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_PERIOD` variable from `dynamodb_local` image.
  Previously, we had a fallback of 2 seconds if this variable was not defined.
  We now wait for 2 seconds unconditionally after the specified message has been found.
- Support for the `KEEP_CONTAINERS` env variable.
  The functionality of `KEEP_CONTAINERS=true` is superseded by `TESTCONTAINERS=keep`.
- `with_entrypoint` from the `Image` trait.
  This functionality is not used within the library.
  Images that need this kind of customization can always implement it on their own type directly but there is no need to force it onto them.
- `Image::EnvVars` and `Image::Volumes` associated types.
  The respective functions `Image::env_vars` and `Image::volumes` still exist but now return a trait object that must implement `Iterator<Item = (&String, &String)`.
  This allows us to provide a default implementation which reduces the boilerplate in defining new images.
- `args` and `with_args` from `Image` trait.

### Fixed

- Removing a docker container did not error if failed. This was fixed by asserting the daemon's response instead of
  just the status code: If a docker container was removed correctly using `rm -f -v <ID>` <ID> is printed on stdout.
  <ID> can either be the container name or its ID which is used within testcontainer-rs.
- Fixed clippy warnings of camel case names containing a capitalized acronym.

## [0.12.0] - 2021-01-27

### Added

- Allow custom version for postgres image
- Remove `derivative` dependency
- `OrientDB` image
- `Zookeeper` image

### Changed

- Move port mapping logic to `RunArgs` instead of each Image.

## [0.11.0] - 2020-09-30

### Added

- `Docker::run_with_args` method. This allows naming a container and assigning it to a specific docker network. The docker
  network will be created if it doesn't exist yet. Once the client is dropped, the network will be removed again if it
  has previously been created. A network that already existed will not be removed.
- Address-type argument to `coblox/bitcoin-core` Image.
  We are setting `bech32` as a default here.
  This is different from the default of `bitcoind`.

### Fixed

- Block the thread until containers have been successfully removed.
  Previously, this was done in a fire-and-forget way and hence led to containers not being removed in certain situations.

### Changed

- MSRV is now 1.41.0

## [0.10.0] - 2020-08-20

### Added

- Mongo image.
- Support for the `fallbackfee` argument for the `bitcoin-core` image.
- Ability to customize the `entrypoint` used by the image.
- Ability to start a container once stopped.

### Changed

- MSRV bumped to 1.36 from 1.32.
- Change postgres image authentication POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD rather than username and password.
- Bumped bitcoin-core default tag to 0.20.0.

## [0.9.1] - 2020-03-24

### Added

- A changelog
- Support volumes on containers

### Changed

- **Breaking**: `Container#get_host_port` now only accepts a `u16` instead of a `u32`.
  `u16` captures all possible port values.

### Fixes

- Provide a default password for the postgres image.
  There seems to be an unfortunate breaking change in the postgres image that we need to cater for.

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.13.0...HEAD
[0.13.0]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.12.0...0.13.0
[0.12.0]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.11.0...0.12.0
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.10.0...0.11.0
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.9.1...0.10.0
[0.9.1]: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/compare/0.8.1...0.9.1