test-fuzz 0.1.0-alpha.10

To make fuzzing Rust easy
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Visit the last successful build: test-fuzz-5.0.0



$ cargo install cargo-test-fuzz --version '>=0.1.0-alpha'


  1. Identify a fuzz target:

    • Add the following dependencies to the target crate's Cargo.toml file:
      serde = "1.0"
      test-fuzz = "0.1.0-alpha"
    • Precede the target function with the test_fuzz attribute:
      fn foo(...) {
  2. Generate a corpus by running cargo test:

    $ cargo test
  3. Fuzz your target by running cargo test-fuzz:

    $ cargo test-fuzz --target foo


test_fuzz attribute



  • force - TODO

  • rename = "name" - TODO

  • skip - TODO

test_fuzz_impl attribute


test_fuzz_impl currently has no options.

cargo test-fuzz command



  • -- <args>... - Arguments for the fuzzer

  • --backtrace - Display backtraces

  • --consolidate - Move one target's crashes and work queue to its corpus; to consolidate all targets, use --consolidate-all

  • --display-corpus - Display corpus using uninstrumented fuzz target; to display with instrumentation, use --display-corpus-instrumented

  • --display-crashes - Display crashes

  • --display-queue - Display work queue

  • --exact - Target name is an exact name rather than a substring

  • --list - List fuzz targets

  • --no-instrumentation - Compile without instrumentation (for testing build process)

  • --no-run - Compile, but don't fuzz

  • --no-ui - Disable user interface

  • --persistent - Enable persistent mode fuzzing

  • --pretty-print - Pretty-print debug output when displaying/replaying

  • --replay-corpus - Replay corpus using uninstrumented fuzz target; to replay with instrumentation, use --replay-corpus-instrumented

  • --replay-crashes - Replay crashes

  • --replay-queue - Replay work queue

  • --reset - Clear fuzzing data for one target, but leave corpus intact; to reset all targets, use --reset-all

  • --resume - Resume target's last fuzzing session

  • --run-until-crash - Stop fuzzing once a crash is found

  • -p, --package = <package> - Package containing fuzz target

  • --target = <target> - String that fuzz target's name must contain

test_fuzz crate



  • logging - TODO

  • persistent - TODO


  • Clonable arguments - TODO

  • Seralizable arguments - TODO

  • Global variables - TODO

  • Type parameters - TODO