terra 0.2.0

A rendering library for large scale terrains
use rand;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::distributions::{Normal, IndependentSample};

use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::ops::AddAssign;

fn modulo(a: i64, b: i64) -> usize {
    (((a % b) + b) % b) as usize

pub struct Heightmap<T> {
    pub heights: Vec<T>,
    pub width: u16,
    pub height: u16,

impl<T> Heightmap<T> {
    pub fn new(heights: Vec<T>, width: u16, height: u16) -> Self {
        assert_eq!(heights.len(), (width as usize) * (height as usize));
        Heightmap {

    pub fn get(&self, x: u16, y: u16) -> Option<T>
        T: Clone,
        if x >= self.width || y >= self.height {
            return None;

            .get(x as usize + y as usize * self.width as usize)

    pub fn at(&self, x: u16, y: u16) -> T
        T: Clone,
        self.get(x, y).unwrap()

    pub fn raise(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16, delta: T)
        T: AddAssign,
        debug_assert!(x < self.width && y < self.height);
        self.heights[x as usize + y as usize * self.width as usize] += delta;

    pub fn get_wrapping(&self, x: i64, y: i64) -> T
        T: Clone,
        let x = modulo(x, self.width as i64);
        let y = modulo(y, self.height as i64);
        self.heights[x + y * self.width as usize].clone()

pub fn perlin_noise(grid_resolution: usize, grid_spacing: usize) -> Heightmap<f32> {
    fn dot(a: (f32, f32), b: (f32, f32)) -> f32 {
        a.0 * b.0 + a.1 * b.1

    fn fade(t: f32) -> f32 {
        t * t * t * (6.0 * t * t - 15.0 * t + 10.0)

    fn interp(a: f32, b: f32, t: f32) -> f32 {
        let t = fade(t);
        a * (1.0 - t) + b * t

    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let gradients: Vec<(f32, f32)> = (0..(grid_resolution * grid_resolution))
        .map(|_| rng.gen_range(0.0, 2.0 * PI).sin_cos())

    let mut heights =
        vec![-9999.0; grid_resolution * grid_resolution * grid_spacing * grid_spacing];
    for y in 0..grid_resolution {
        for x in 0..grid_resolution {
            let xp = (x + 1) % grid_resolution;
            let yp = (y + 1) % grid_resolution;
            let a = gradients[x + y * grid_resolution];
            let b = gradients[x + yp * grid_resolution];
            let c = gradients[xp + y * grid_resolution];
            let d = gradients[xp + yp * grid_resolution];

            for k in 0..grid_spacing {
                for h in 0..grid_spacing {
                    let v = (
                        h as f32 / grid_spacing as f32,
                        k as f32 / grid_spacing as f32,

                    let ad = dot(a, v);
                    let bd = dot(b, (v.0, v.1 - 1.0));
                    let cd = dot(c, (v.0 - 1.0, v.1));
                    let dd = dot(d, (v.0 - 1.0, v.1 - 1.0));

                    let height = interp(interp(ad, bd, v.1), interp(cd, dd, v.1), v.0);

                    let i = (h + x * grid_spacing) +
                        (k + y * grid_spacing) * grid_resolution * grid_spacing;
                    heights[i] = height;

    Heightmap {
        width: (grid_resolution * grid_spacing) as u16,
        height: (grid_resolution * grid_spacing) as u16,

/// Evaluate wavelet noise on a grid with the given resolution and grid spacing. ///
/// The output heightmap will have a width and height of `grid_resolution` * `grid_spacing`. Values
/// will have a mean of approximately zero, and a variance of 1.
pub fn wavelet_noise(grid_resolution: usize, grid_spacing: usize) -> Heightmap<f32> {
    // See: https://graphics.pixar.com/library/WaveletNoise/paper.pdf

    fn modulo(x: i32, n: usize) -> usize {
        let m = x % n as i32;
        if m < 0 {
            (m + n as i32) as usize
        } else {
            m as usize
    fn downsample(from: &[f32], to: &mut [f32], n: usize, stride: usize) {
        const ARAD: i32 = 16;
        #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
        const COEFFS: [f32; 32] = [
            0.000334,-0.001528, 0.000410, 0.003545,-0.000938,-0.008233, 0.002172, 0.019120,
            -0.005040,-0.044412, 0.011655, 0.103311,-0.025936,-0.243780, 0.033979, 0.655340,
            0.655340, 0.033979,-0.243780,-0.025936, 0.103311, 0.011655,-0.044412,-0.005040,
            0.019120, 0.002172,-0.008233,-0.000938, 0.003546, 0.000410,-0.001528, 0.000334
        for i in 0..(n / 2) {
            to[i * stride] = 0.0;
            let min_k = 2 * (i as i32) - ARAD;
            let max_k = 2 * (i as i32) + ARAD;
            for k in min_k..(max_k) {
                let index = (ARAD + k - 2 * i as i32) as usize;
                to[i * stride] += COEFFS[index] * from[modulo(k, n) * stride];
    fn upsample(from: &[f32], to: &mut [f32], n: usize, stride: usize) {
        let p_coeffs = [0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25];
        for i in 0..n {
            to[i * stride] = 0.0;
            for k in (i / 2)..(i / 2 + 2) {
                to[i * stride] += p_coeffs[2 + i - 2 * k] * from[(k % (n / 2)) * stride];
    fn generate_noise_tile(n: usize) -> Vec<f32> {
        assert!(n % 2 == 0); // size must be even!

        let mut temp1 = vec![0.0; n * n];
        let mut temp2 = vec![0.0; n * n];
        let mut noise = Vec::new();

        // Step 1. Fill the tile with random numbers in the range -1 to 1.
        let normal = Normal::new(0.0, 1.0);
        for _ in 0..(n * n) {
            noise.push(normal.ind_sample(&mut rand::thread_rng()) as f32);

        // Steps 2 and 3. Downsample and upsample the tile
        for iy in 0..n {
            // each x row
            let i = iy * n;
            downsample(&noise[i..], &mut temp1[i..], n, 1);
            upsample(&temp1[i..], &mut temp2[i..], n, 1);
        for ix in 0..n {
            // each y row
            let i = ix;
            downsample(&temp2[i..], &mut temp1[i..], n, n);
            upsample(&temp1[i..], &mut temp2[i..], n, n);

        // Step 4. Subtract out the coarse-scale contribution
        for i in 0..(n * n) {
            noise[i] -= temp2[i];
        // Avoid even/odd variance difference by adding odd-offset version of noise to itself.
        let mut offset = n / 2;
        if offset % 2 == 0 {
            offset += 1;
        let mut i = 0;
        for ix in 0..n {
            for iy in 0..n {
                temp1[i] = noise[((ix + offset) % n) + ((iy + offset) % n) * n];
                i += 1;
        for i in 0..(n * n) {
            noise[i] += temp1[i];


    /* Non-projected 2D noise */
    fn noise(noise_tile: &[f32], n: usize, p: [f32; 2]) -> f32 {
        let mut mid = [0; 2];
        let mut w = [[0.0; 3]; 2];

        /* Evaluate quadratic B-spline basis functions */
        for i in 0..2 {
            let center = p[i] - 0.5;
            let t = center.ceil() - center;

            mid[i] = center.ceil() as i32;
            w[i][0] = 0.5 * t * t;
            w[i][2] = 0.5 * (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - t);
            w[i][1] = 1.0 - w[i][0] - w[i][2];
        /* Evaluate noise by weighting noise coefficients by basis function values */
        let mut result = 0.0;
        for fx in 0..3 {
            for fy in 0..3 {
                let cx = modulo(mid[0] + (fx as i32 - 1), n);
                let cy = modulo(mid[1] + (fy as i32 - 1), n);
                let weight = w[0][fx] * w[1][fy];
                result += weight * noise_tile[cx + cy * n];

    let noise_tile = generate_noise_tile(grid_resolution);

    let mut heights = Vec::new();
    for x in 0..(grid_resolution * grid_spacing) {
        for y in 0..(grid_resolution * grid_spacing) {
            let p = [
                x as f32 / grid_spacing as f32,
                y as f32 / grid_spacing as f32,
            heights.push(noise(&noise_tile, grid_resolution, p))

    let mean = heights.iter().sum::<f32>() / heights.len() as f32;
    let variance = heights.iter().map(|n| (n - mean) * (n - mean)).sum::<f32>() /
        heights.len() as f32;

    let inv_variance = 1.0 / variance;
    for h in &mut heights {
        *h *= inv_variance;

    Heightmap {
        width: (grid_resolution * grid_spacing) as u16,
        height: (grid_resolution * grid_spacing) as u16,