terra-rust-api 0.2.3

Terra Rust API
# Terra Rust API

A rust API for Terrad's LCD system.

# Warning

This is a WIP.

No security audit has been performed.

## Randomness

The API is currently using random numbers via     
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
## Disclaimer

This may steal your money.

This is not investment advice.

Do your own research

# Help ?

There is a [CLI](https://github.com/pfc-validator/terra-rust) that uses this, which may be helpful.

We have also set up a [Discord](https://discord.gg/zKVWs4HhJD) channel to discuss this, and other PFC things

If you think this was useful, feel free to delegate to the [PFC](https://station.terra.money/validator/terravaloper12g4nkvsjjnl0t7fvq3hdcw7y8dc9fq69nyeu9q) validator. It will help defray the costs.

[PFC](https://twitter.com/PFC_Validator) - Terra/Luna is Pretty Freaking Cool right... feel free to drop me a line 

# An Example

use terra_rust_api::{Terra, GasOptions, PrivateKey};
use terra_rust_api::core_types::{Coin, Msg, StdSignMsg, StdSignature};
use terra_rust_api::messages::MsgSend;
use terra_rust_api::auth_types::AuthAccountResult;

// set up the LCD client
let gas_opts = GasOptions::create_with_gas_estimate("50ukrw",1.4);
let t = Terra::lcd_client("https://tequila-lcd.terra.dev/", "tequila-0004", &gas_opts).await?;
// generate a private key
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
let from_key = PrivateKey::from_words(&secp,"your secret words");
let from_public_key = from_key.public_key(&secp);
// generate the message SEND 1000 uluna from your private key to someone else
let coin: Coin = Coin::parse("1000uluna")?.unwrap();
let from_account = from_public_key.account()?;
let send: MsgSend = MsgSend::create(from_account, "terra1usws7c2c6cs7nuc8vma9qzaky5pkgvm2uag6rh", vec![coin]);
// generate the transaction & calc fees
let messages = vec![send];
let (std_sign_msg, sigs) = terra
// send it out
 let resp = terra.tx().broadcast_sync(&std_sign_msg, &sigs).await?;
 match resp.code {
     Some(code) => {
         log::error!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&resp)?);
         eprintln!("Transaction returned a {} {}", code, resp.txhash)
     None => {
         println!("{}", resp.txhash)

# Docs 

* [API Documentation]https://docs.rs/terra-rust-api
* see [Change log]./Changelog.md for more detailed change summaries